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CIS: chapter 9 & 10


undefined, object
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A gps (blank) on a computer chip is worn as a watch or a chain to keep track of parolees.
A (blank)(blank) consists of individual electrical pulses that represent bits.
digital signal
To retrieve specific data in a database, the user will request a (blank).
(blank) (blank) consists of programs that help establish a connection to another computer.
communication software
A (blank) (blank) is a type of connection that always is established between two communications devices.
dedicated line
Computer (blank) describes a process in which one computer transfers data to another computer.
A (blank) is combination of one or more related characters or bytes.
A (blank) database is a database which stores data in tables that consist of rows and columns.
In relational databases for a user, a file is called a (blank).
Every object-oriented database uses a query language called (blank) (blank) (blank).
object query language
Many programs perform a (blank)(blank) that alalyzes entered data to help ensure that it is correct.
validity check
A (blank) (blank) is a huge database that stores historical transactions.
data warehouse
Most relational database products for mainframes include (blank) (blank) language.
structural query
On a (blank) network, all of the devices are connected to a central computer.
A (blank) (blank) is the layout of the devices in a communications network.
network topology
The (blank) is a LAN technology that allows PCs to contend for access to the network.
The (blank)(blank) specifies the kind of data a field can contain.
data type
A (blank) consists of one or more earth based recievers that accept signals from satellites.
A (blank) (blank) network connects computers in a large geographical network.
wide area
The (blank) (blank) creates and maintains the data dictionary, defines the relationships among data and identifies users' access privilages.
data base administrator

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