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Exam 3 - Lecture 5


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Populations that maximize r, the intrinsic rate of increase
An ecological measure of the number of individuals per unit of space (area, volume, etc.)
Any characteristic that varies according to an increase in population density, e.g. mortality rates that increase with an increase in population size
sustainable-resource management
A management policy in which long term resource viability is emphasized instead of short-term economic gain
demographic transition
A shift from zero population growth in which birth rates and death rates are high to zero population growth characterized instead by low birth and death rates
life history
The series of events from birth through reproduction and death
The pattern of spacing among individuals within geographic population boundaries
survivorship curves
A plot of the number of members of a cohort that are still alive at each age; one way to represent age-specific mortality
Describing a dispersion pattern in which individuals are spaced in a patternless, unpredictable way
life tables
A table of data summarizing mortality in a population
Populations that maximize the carrying capacity of their environment
Describing a dispersion pattern in which individuals are spaced in a patternless, unpredictable way
Any factor affecting a population that has the same effect, regardless of population density, e.g. a tsunami that kills all members of a population in a certain area, regardless of how many of them are present
exponential population growth
The geometric increase of a population as it grows in an ideal, unlimited environment
logistic population growth
A model describing population growth that levels off as population size approaches carrying capacity
carrying capacity
The maximum population size that can be supported by the available resources, symbolized as K
maximum sustained yields
A method of setting harvest limits such that produces a consistent yield is produced without forcing a population into decline
Describing a dispersion pattern in which individuals are aggregate in patches

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