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Japanese Sentence Patterns: Can Do #1


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Can you explain the marketing plan?
Maakettingu puran o setsumei dekimasu ka.
Can we talk to people all over the world with email?
Denshi meeru de sekaijuu no hitiboto to hanashiaemasu ka.
Can you compare Tokyo with Nara.
Tookyoo to Nara o kuraberaremasu ka.
I cannot go to the meeting today, but I can go tomorrow.
Kyou wa kaigi ni ikemasen ga; asu nara ikemasu.
Can you sell this product inexpensively?
Kono seihin o yasuku uremasu ka.
Can you contact the marketing manager immediately?
Sugu maakettingu maneejaa ni renraku dekimasu ka.
I can eat.
Watashi wa taberaremasu.
I can eat breakfast.
Asagohan o taberaremasu.
I cannot eat breakfast.
Asagohan o taberaremasen.
I was able to eat breakfast.
Asagohan o taberaremashita.
I can pay the bill.
Okanjou o haraemasu.
My teacher can rent a car.
Watashi no sensei wa kurumo o kariraremasu.
Can I start now?
Watashi wa ima hajimeraremasu ka.
John, can you finish by tomorrow?
Jonsan; ashita made sumasemasu ka.
My father can sell the house.
Chichi wa ie o uremasu.
I can see Mr. Yamada.
Yamada san o miraremasu.
I cannot see Mr. Yamada.
Yamada san o miraremasen.
You can see the town from here.
Koko kara machi o miraremasu.
Junko can play the piano.
Junko wa piano o hikemasu.
Ichirou can't play the violin.
Ichirou wa baiorin o hikemasen.
He was able to go Hokkaido.
Kare wa Hokkaido ni ikemashita.
He might be able to go next week.
Kare wa raishuu ikeru kamo shiremasen.
I couldn't read Japanese.
Nihongo o yomemasen deshita.
He couldn't understand you.
Kare wa anato o wakaremasen deshita.

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