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PSG: Polysomnography Board Prep


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Output voltage?
Exploring electrode - reference electrode
Sensitivity calculation?
(voltage = sensitivity x deflection)
Voltage is measured in...?
uV (microvolts)
Sensitivity is measured in...?
uV/mm (microvolts/mm)
Deflection is measure in...?
Total wake time
Total sleep time
Time in bed
Total recording time
Total stage 1 sleep
Total stage 2 sleep
Total delta sleep
Total REM sleep
Sleep stage percent?
Total number of epochs awake/2
Total number of sleep epochs/2
(Lights on epoch - lights out epoch)/2
(Number of events/TST)*60
Sleep effeciency
Sleep latency?
(Sleep onset epoch - lights out epoch)/2
What is the definition dyssomnias?
Disorders that produce complaints of insomnia or excessive sleepiness.
What are the subcategories of dyssomnias?
Arousal disorders,
Sleep-wake transition disorders,
REM-related parasomnias,
Other parasomnias
What is the definition of parasomnias?
Disorders that intrude into or occur during sleep but do not result in insomnia or excessive sleepiness
What is the definition of intrinsic sleep disorders?
Sleep disorders which originate or develop within the body or arise from causes within the body (apnea, narcolepsy)
What is the definition of narcolepsy?
A disorder of unknown origin, which is characterized by abnormal sleep tendencies, excessive daytime sleepiness, disturbed nocturnal sleep and manifectations of REM sleep
What are the symptoms of narcolepsy?
Hypnagogic hallucinations,
Sleep paralysis
What is cataplexy?
Abrupt, reversible decrease or loss of muscle tone (while awake)
What is the peak age of onset of narcolepsy?
15-25 years of age
What are PSG findings for narcoleptics?
Decreased sleep latency,
Sleep-onset REM,
Increased stage 1 sleep,
Increased fragmentation
What are MSLT findings for narcoleptics?
Sleep latency <5 minutes,
2 or more sleep-onset REMs
What is the definition of recurrent hypersomnia?
A disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of hypersomnia that typically occur weeks or months apart
What are synonyms of recurrent hypersomnia?
Periodic hypersomnia,
Klein-Levin syndrome,
Binge eating,
What are the symptoms of recurrent hypersomnia?
Excessive daytime sleepiness:
-episodes of somnolence last for at least 18 hrs,
-occurs at least once per year, lasting a minimum of 3 days,
Voracious eating,
Disinhibited behaviors
What are the PSG findings of recurrent hypersomnia?
During episode:
-Low voltage slow EEG patterns or diffuse alpha patterns,
-High sleep efficiency,
-Decreased delta sleep.
What is the treatment of recurrent hypersomnia?
Stimulents during episodes
What is central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome?
Ventilatory impairment, resulting in arterial oxygen desaturation that is worsened by sleep in patients with normal mechanical properties of the lung
What are synonyms of central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome?
Primary alveolar hypoventilation,
Idiopathic alveolar hypoventilation,
Non-apneic alveolar hypoventilation,
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
What are the symptoms of central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome?
1) Insomnia or EDS
2) Hypercapnia & hypoxemia
3) Morning headaches
4) Cardiac arrhythmias
What are the PSG findings of central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome?
1) Periods of decreased Vt lasting from minutes to hours with sustained arterial O2 desaturation (worse in REM)
2) Increased CO2 during the hypoventilation
3) Frequent awakenings & arousals
How is central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome treated?
Mild: Not treated
Moderate: Ventilatory assistance at night
Severe: Full-time ventilatory support
What is the definition of periodic limb movement disorder?
Periodic episodes of repetitive and highly stereotyped limb movements that occur during sleep
What are synonyms of periodic limb movement disorder?
Nocturnal myoclonus,
Periodic movements in sleep,
Leg jerks
What are the symptoms of periodic limb movement disorder?
1) EDS
2) Complaints from bedpartner of being kicked
3) Usually unawake of movements
What are the PSG findings of periodic limb movement disorder?
1) Usually appear at sleep onset & persist through delta sleep
2) Momements usually absent during REM
3) Fragmented sleep if limb movements are associated with arousal
What is the treatment of periodic limb movement disorder?
1) Benzodiazepines
2) Dopaminergic agents
3) Pain relievers
4) Anticonvulsants
What is the definition of restless leg syndrome?
Characterized by disagreeable leg sensations, usually prior to sleep onset, that cause an almost irresistable urge to move the legs
What are the symptoms of RLS?
1) Itchy, creepy crawling feeling in the legs
2) Intense urge to move legs
3) Usually occurs when sitting quietly or laying in bed
4) Chief complaint is insomnia
What are the PSG findings of RLS?
1) Sustained tonic EMG activity that alternates from one leg to another
2) Movements seen du ring wakefulness and at sleep onset
3) Many people who suffer from RLS also have PLMs
What is the treatment of RLS?
1) Benzodiazepines
2) Dopaminergic agents
3) Pain relievers
4) Anticonvulsants
What is the definition of extrinsic sleep disorders?
Sleep disorders that originate or develop from causes outside the body (i.e. poor sleep hygiene, environmental)
What is the definition of inadequate sleep hygiene?
A sleep disorder due to the performance of daily living activities that are inconsistent with the maintenance of good quality sleep and daytime alertness
What is the definition of environmental sleep disorder?
A sleep disruption due to a disturbing environmental factor that causes insomnia or EDS
What is the definition of adjustment sleep disorder?
A sleep disturbance temporarily related to acute stress, conflict or environmental change causing emotional arousal. AKA transient insomnia or short-term insomnia.
What is the definition of insufficient sleep syndrome?
Failure to obtain sufficient nocturnal sleep required to support normally alert wakefulness.
What are synonyms of insufficient sleep syndrome?
1) Sleep curtailment
2) Sleep restriction
3) Inadequate sleep
What is the definition of limit-setting sleep disorder?
A childhood disorder that is characterized by the inadequate enforcement of bedtime by a caretaker, with resultant stalling or refusal to go to bed at an appropriate time. AKA childhood insomnia.
What is the treatment of extrinsic sleep disorders?
Treat underlying cause
What is the definition of primary circadian dysrhythmias?
Malfunctioning of the biological clock within the conventional environment
What is the definition of delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS)?
The inability to fall asleep until late with difficulty arising in the morning (more prevalent in young adults)
What is the definition of advanced sleep phase syndrome (ASPS)?
Sleepiness beginning early in the afternoon, and sufferers often wake up early and are unabel to resume sleep (more common in older adults)
What is the definition of secondary circadian dysrhythmias?
The biological clock is functioning properly, but is out of phase due to teh environmen and behaviors (change in time zones, shift work)
What is the definition of time zone change syndrome?
Varying degrees of difficulty in initiating or maintaining sleep & excessive sleepiness related to rapid travel across several times zones.
What are synonyms of time zone change syndrome?
1) Jet lag
2) Transmeridian flight desynchronisis
3) Transmeridian dyschronism
What is the definition of shift work sleep disorder?
Symptoms of insomnia or excessive sleepiness that occur in relation to work schedules
What are synonyms of shift work sleep disorder?
1) Transient insomnia
2) Transient excessive sleepiness
3) Acute phase shift of sleep
What are treatments of shift work sleep disorder?
1) Phototherapy
2) Chronotherapy
3) Sleep hygiene
4) Medications such as hypnotics

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