Jay's Combined Swhaili Set
undefined, object
copy deck
- adili
- righteous
- adimu
- rare, unobtainable
- afadahli
- preferably
- aidha
- moreover
- kwa ajili ya
- for the sake of
- kwa ajili yangu
- for my sake
- ajizi
- slack
- akali
- few
- akali ya watu
- a handful of people
- ()ake
- his or hers
- akina
- typical of one type of people
- ()ako
- your/yours
- ama
- either/or
- amba()
- who, what
- ()angalifu
- attentive
- ()angavu
- clear, shining, lucid
- ()angu
- my/mine
- ()ao
- their/theirs
- arobaini
- forty
- asante
- thank you
- asanteni
- thanks y'all
- asilia
- genuine, oringinal
- ati
- "so they say"
- au
- or
- aula
- better, best, most important
- abiria
- passenger
- ada
- fee, duty, tradition
- adabu
- good manners
- adha
- worry, nagging
- adhama
- glory
- adhuhuri
- noon
- adui
- an enemy
- afa
- calamity, bad-sign
- afisa
- officer
- afisi
- office
- afua
- deliverance
- afya
- health
- afyuni
- opium
- agano
- agreement, covenant
- agizo
- directions, orders
- ahadi
- promise
- ahera
- afterlife
- aibu
- disgrace
- aila
- family
- aili
- a blame, fault
- aina
- kind, type, classification
- ajabu
- a wonder
- ajali
- fate
- ajili
- sake
- akiba
- reserve, savings
- akili
- intelligence
- ala
- tool, weapon, instrument
- alama
- mark, sign, symbol
- alasiri
- afternoon
- alfajiri
- just before dawn
- Alhamisi
- Thursday
- almasi
- diamond
- amali
- occupation, habit
- amana
- pledge, deposit
- amani
- peace
- ambukizo
- infection
- ami
- paternal uncle
- amri
- orders, commands
- anasa
- worldly pleasures
- maandamano
- a procession/parade
- maandisha
- writings
- anga
- sky, heavens
- ankra
- bill, invoice
- apizo
- curse
- arbuni
- deposit
- ardhi
- land, ground
- ari
- self-respect
- arusi
- wedding
- asali
- honey
- asherati
- fornicator
- maasi
- sinners
- maasia
- sins
- asili
- origin
- askari
- guard, policeman
- askofu
- bishop
- asubuhi
- morning
- athari
- effect, mark
- auni
- help, aid, assistance
- awali
- the beginning
- aya
- verse, paragraph
- ayari
- cheat, swindler
- azali
- eternity
- azima
- a fetish from a witchdoctor
- azimio
- intention, plan
- azizi
- a precious, loveable, esteemed person
- kuabudu
- to worship
- kuacha
- to leave/divorce
- kuachia
- to leave/let go
- kuachilia
- to forgive
- to achisha maziwa
- to wean
- kuachwa
- to be left/divorced
- kuadhibika
- to be punished/tormented
- kuadhibisha
- to punish/persecute
- kuadhibiwa
- to be punished/persecuted
- kuadhibu
- to punish/persecute
- kuadhimisha
- to honor
- kuadibisha
- to teach good manners to
- kuadilisha
- to teach right conduct
- kuadimika
- to be scarce
- kuafiki
- to agree with
- afikana
- to make an agreement
- kuafu
- to deliver/save
- kuaga
- to take leave of
- kuagana
- to say goodbye or agree
- kuagiza
- to order/direct
- kuagua
- to divine/predict
- kuahidi
- to promise
- kuahidiana
- to promise one another
- kuahirisha
- to postpone
- kuaibika
- to be disgraced
- kuaibisha
- to put to shame
- kufanya aibu
- to do something disgraceful
- kuaili
- to blame
- kuainisha
- to classify/distinguish
- kuajiri
- to hire
- kuajirisha
- to hire out or subcontract
- kualika
- to invite or summon
- kualisha
- to click/crackle
- kuamba
- to slander
- kuambata
- to stick to
- kuambatana
- to hug/clasp
- kuambatisha
- to glue or stick together
- kuambia
- to tell/say to
- kuambika
- to bait a trap
- kuambilika
- to be amenable to
- kuambiwa
- to be told
- kuambua
- to peel off
- kuambuka
- to be peeled/to come loose
- kuambukiza
- to infect
- kuamia
- to "scarecrow"
- kuamini
- to believe or have faith in
- kuaminika
- to be trustworthy
- kuaminisha
- to entrust, to take a risk
- kuamka
- to awake
- kuamkia
- to greet
- kuamrisha
- to give orders
- kuamsha
- to awaken someone
- kuamua
- to arbitrate
- kuamuru
- to command
- kuamwa
- to suckle
- kuandaa
- to prepare/entertain
- kuandalia
- to prepare for
- kuandama
- to follow
- kuandamana
- to walk in a procession
- kuandamwa
- to be followed
- kuandika
- to write, enroll, set up
- kuandikia
- to write to
- kuangaa
- to shine, to give light
- kuangalia
- to pay attention to
- kuangama
- to hang in mid-air
- kuangamia
- to be damned, to perish
- kuangamiza
- to destroy
- kuangaza
- to keep awake, to elucidate
- kuangika
- to hang up
- kuangua
- to bring down, to thrown down
- kuanguka
- to fall
- kangusha
- to allow to fall, to drop
- kuanika
- to put out to dry
- kuanua
- to bring in laundry
- kuanuka
- to clear up (weather)
- anwani
- the address
- kuanza
- to start, to begin
- kuanzisha
- to start out, to initiate
- kuapa
- to swear, to take an oath
- kuapisha
- to be sworn to
- kuapiza
- to curse
- kuarifwa
- to be informed
- kuarifu
- to inform
- kuashiki
- to have a strong desire, to be infatuated
- kuashiria
- to make a sign to
- kuasi
- to disobey, to rebel against
- kuatamia
- to sit on eggs
- kuathiri
- to affect, to touch the heart
- kuaua
- to survey; to inspect
- kuauni
- to help/assist
- kuazima
- to borrow or lend anything but money
- kuazimia
- to intend, to be resolved
- baada ya
- after
- baadaye
- afterwards, later
- baadhi
- some
- badala ya
- instead of
- ()badilifu
- changeable
- bado
- not yet, still
- baina ya
- between, among
- bali
- on the contrary
- basi
- well! That's all!
- batili
- invalid, worthless
- ()baya
- bad
- bayana
- clearly
- ()bezi
- disdainful
- ()bichi
- unripened, uncooked, damp
- bila
- without
- bilashi
- in vain, free
- bin
- son of
- ()bivu
- ripe
- bora
- fine; excellent, better than, best
- ()bovu
- rotten, worthless
- bure
- free of charge, useless
- ()butu
- blunt
- baa
- disaster, plague
- baba
- father
- baba mkubwa
- paternal uncle
- babu
- grandfather
- badala
- a substitute
- badiliko
- change
- bahari
- sea
- baharia
- sailor
- bahasha
- envelope, bag
- bahati
- luck, chance
- bahili
- a miser
- baiskeli
- bicycle
- baki
- remainder
- bakora
- walking stick
- bakshishi
- tip or small bribe
- bakuli
- basin
- balozi
- consul; ambassador
- banda
- barn, shed, hut
- bandari
- harbor
- bandia
- home-made doll
- banghi
- marijuana
- banzi
- a spit for roasting
- bao
- board for a game or divination
- bapa
- a broad flat surface
- bara
- a continent; mainland
- barabara
- road, highway
- baradhuli
- simpleton
- barafu
- ice
- baragumu
- horn
- baraka
- blessing, prosperity
- baraza
- verandah, public meeting
- baridi
- cold, coolness
- barua
- letter
- baruti
- gunpowder
- kubashiri
- to predict, to bring news
- bastola
- pistol
- bata
- duck
- bata la bukini
- goose
- bata mzinga
- turkey
- mabati
- iron roofing sheets
- bawa
- wing
- bawaba
- a hinge
- bawabu
- doorman
- berebu
- billy goat, bad colonist
- bega
- a shoulder
- behewa
- an inner courtyard, train compartment