LOM Chapt 01 Suffixes
undefined, object
copy deck
-ical - pertaining to
- -algia
- pain
- -comial
- I take care of
- -cyte
- cell
- -ectomy
- excision, removal, resection
- -emia
- blood condition
- -genic
- pertaining to producing, produced by, or produced in
- -globin
- protein
- -gram
- record
- -ion
- process
- -ist
- specialist
- -itis
- inflammation
- -logy
- study of
- -oma
- tumor, mass, swelling
- -opsy
- process of viewing
- -osis
- condition, usually abnormal (slight increase in numbers when used with blood cells)
- -pathy
- disease condition
- -scope
- instrument to visually examine
- -scopy
- process of visually examining
- -sis
- state of
- -tomy
- process of cutting, incision
- -um
- structure, tissue, thing
- -y
- process, condition