Anatomy Exam 1
undefined, object
copy deck
- a-
- w/out, lack of
- ab-
- away from
- -able
- capable
- acou-
- hearing
- acr-
- extremity
- ad-
- to, toward, near to
- adeno-
- gland
- -al
- expressing relationships
- -algia
- pain
- an-
- w/out, lack of
- ana-
- up, back, again
- angio-
- vessel
- ante-
- before, forward
- anti-
- against, reversed
- arthr-
- joint
- -ary
- associated with
- -asis
- condition, state of
- auto-
- self
- bi-
- twice, double
- bio-
- live
- -blast-
- bud, germ
- brady-
- slow
- -c
- expressing relationships
- carcin-
- cancer
- cardio-
- heart
- cata-
- down, according to
- cephal-
- head
- -cele
- hollow
- cerebro-
- brain
- chol-
- bile
- cholecyst-
- gallbladder
- chondr-
- cartilage
- -cide
- kill
- circum-
- around, about
- -clast-
- smash, break
- co-
- with, together
- com-
- with, together
- con-
- with, together
- contra-
- against, opposite
- crypto-
- hidden
- cysto-
- bladder or sac
- -cyte-
- cell
- cyto-
- cell
- de-
- away from
- derm-
- skin
- di-
- two
- dia-
- through, apart, across
- dis-
- rehearsal, apart from
- -duct-
- draw
- -dynia
- pain
- dys-
- difficult, bad
- e-
- out, away from
- ec-
- out from
- ecto-
- on outer side
- -ectomy
- cut out
- -edem-
- swell
- em-
- in
- -emia
- blood
- en-
- in
- endo-
- within
- entero-
- intestine
- epi-
- upon, on
- erythro-
- red
- eu-
- well, good
- ex-
- out, away from
- exo-
- outside, on outer side
- extra-
- outside
- -ferent
- carry
- -form
- expressing relationships
- gastro-
- stomach
- -genesis
- produce, origin
- gloss-
- tongue
- glyco-
- sugar, sweet