Lesson 9 Elements
undefined, object
copy deck
- -able
adjective-forming suffix
capable of (being), able to - -ation
noun-forming suffix
indicating an action or process: the act of (being), the result of (being), something that is - -ce
noun-forming suffix
the act of (being), the state of (being) - -cy
noun-forming suffix
the act of (being), the state of (being) - -ible
adjective-forming suffix
capable of (being) - -id
adjective-forming suffix
in a state or condition of - -ile
adjective-forming suffix
capable of (being), like - -ion
noun-forming suffix
the act of - -ive
adjective-forming suffix
pertaining to - -ment
noun-forming suffix
agent or instrument - -or
noun-forming suffix
agent or instrument - -orium
noun-forming suffix
place for something - -ory
adjective-forming suffix
pertaining to
noun-forming suffix
place for something - -ure, -ura
noun-forming suffix
result of an action - anter-
combining form
front, in front - brachi-
combining form
(upper) arm - -cid-, -cis-
combining form
cut, kill - -cipp-, -cept-
combining form
take - cresc-, -cret-
combining form
(begin to) grow - digit-
combining form
finger, toe - duc-, duct-
combining form
lead, bring, conduct - fac-, -fic-, -fect
combining form
make - faci-, -fici-, facies
combining form
face, appearance, surface - febr-, febris
combining form
fever - fer-, lat-
combining form
carry, bear - flect-, flex-
combining form
bend - fung-
combining form
[mushroom] fungus - fus-
combining form
pour - genit-
combining form
bring forth, give birth - ger-, gest-
combining form
carry, bear - immun(i)-
combining form
[exempt] safe, protected - inferior-
combining form
below - lab-, laps-
combining form
slide, slip - later-
combining form
side - or-, os
combining form
mouth, opening - oss-
combining form
bone - pedicul-
combining form
louse - poster-, -posterior
combining form
behind, in back - sect-
combining form
cut - somn-
combining form
sleep - stabil-, stabl-
combining form
stable, fixed - superior-
combining form
above - tum(e)-
combining form
be swollen