Suffixes PN101
undefined, object
copy deck
- -osis, ia, ism
- condition
- -emia
- blood
- -pnea
- breathing
- -rrhage
- bursting forth
- -tripsy
- crushing
- -tomy
- cut into, incision
- -penia
- decrease
- -pepsia
- digestion
- -rrhea
- discharge, flow
- -pathy
- disease
- -ptosis
- dropping, falling, prolapse
- -phagia
- eat, swallow
- -megaly
- enlargement
- -ectomy
- removal
- -ectasis
- expansion
- -phobia
- fear
- -stomy
- forming a new opening
- -graphy
- process of recording
- -cele
- hernia
- -itis
- inflammation
- -meter
- instrument to measure
- -scope
- instrument to view
- -lysis
- destruction, loosening, separation
- -stenosis
- narrowing
- -algia
- pain
- -gravida
- pregnant woman
- -ist
- specialist
- -phasia
- speech
- -ology
- the study of
- -centesis
- surgical puncture
- -rrhapy
- suture
- -dipsia
- thirst
- -therapy
- treatment
- -emesis
- vomiting
- -opia
- vision