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What are the four subfields of anthropology?
1. biological anthropology, 2. cultural anthropology, 3. archaeology, 4. linguistic anthropology
biological anthropology
The study of human biological and physical adaptation & variation through time & space. Ex. Why has brain size increased for the last 4.4 million years? Common goal: to understand the origin, composition, and adaptability of the human species.
the study of our non-human primate relatives and ancestors.
studies the ancient human fossil forms, known as hominids
Evolutionary genetics & Demography
examines the geographic distribution of human genes and diseases, and how genes have changed and adapted over time. Traits like blood types, sickle cell anemia, hair color, skin tone, and # of teeth change over time.
forensic anthropology
specialize in the identification of human tissue and skeletal remains, usually for legal purposes.
the study of existing and recent cultures.
The study of human cultures in the past through the recovery and analysis of artifacts. Based on careful recovery of artifacts, their positioning and context. Common goal: recover remains of human societies to reconstruct cultural processes in past ways of life.
prehistoric achaeology
studies societies from times before written records "pre-historic" is a diff. time in diff. areas
historic archaeology
studies societies which have written records. (Much is still unwritten).
examines overall health of ancient populations, interrelating disease & nutrition with demographics & behavior.

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