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Test #1 for Biology


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A bond that is made up of shared pairs of electrons.
Covalent Bonds
Covalent bonds can be between atoms of the...
A. Same type
B. Different types
C. Both
C. Both
In a covalent bond, how many maximum electrons can be shared?
Bond strength is ________ proportional to bond strength:
A. Directly
B. Indirectly
A. Directly
What is special about polar covalent molecules?
Part of the molecule is more negative whereas the other part is more positive.
Hydrogen bonds are between what kinds of molecules?
Polar covalent molecules
Hydrogen bonds are...
A. Strong Bonds
B. Weak Bonds
B. Weak Bonds
Collectively, however, hydrogen bonds are very...
A. Weak
B. Strong
B. Strong
Hydrogen bonds are important in these three macromolecules.
Water, Nucleic Acids, and Proteins.
In this type of bond, one atom loses an electron while the other atom gains an electron.
Ionic Bonding.
Positive ionic bonds are attracted to _______ ionic bonds.
Ionic bonds can be broken and stable in what universal solvent?
What is the proper order of bonds strength, from strongest to weakest?
A. Covalent> Hydrogen> Ionic
B. Ionic> Covalent> Hydrogen
C. Covalent> Ionic> Hydrogen
C. Covalent> Ionic> Hydrogen
What is a positive ion called?
A Cation
What is a negative ion called?
An Anion
When an atom loses two electrons to an ionic bond, what is the atom called?
A Divalent Anion
When an atom gains two electrons to an ionic bond, what is the atom called?
A Divalent Cation
When an atom loses three electrons to an ionic bond, what is the atom called?
A Trivalent Anion
When an atom gains three electrons to an ionic bond, what is the atom called?
A Trivalent Cation
What is is the very weak attraction based on mass referred to as?
Van Der Waals Forces.
Water is these three things...
Cohesive, Adhesive, and a Solvent.
Water lays claim to these awesome properties.
It has a high specific heat and ice floats on water.
Water molecules stick together with what kind of bonds?
Hydrogen bonds
What is cohesiveness?
Where like things stick together
What is adhesiveness?
Where unlike things stick together
The ability of water to spontaneously rise in a narrow tube is called what?
Capillary action
Why is water such a good solvent?
Because it is polar.
Water is very important in plants and animals with _____ systems.
Why, exactly, is water so important in plants and animals with vascular systems?
Because everything that is delivered in vascular systems is dissolved in water.
Water is important because in plants and animals it is used for these three things.
Transport, obtaining nutreints, and metabolism.
Why does water resist temperature change?
It acts as excellent insulation
Water determines ___ and ___.
A. Weather and Humidity
B. Humidty and Temperature
C. Climate and Weather
D. Temperature and Climate
C. Climate and Weather
Why is it so important that ice floats?
It keeps organisms at the bottom of a body of water from freezing.
OH- is what kind of ion?
A hydroxyl ion
H+ is also known as...?
A proton
Any molecule that can donate a proton is referred to as a(n) ____.
Any molecule that can accept a proton is referred to as a(n) ____.
pH is defined as?
The negative logarithm of the concentration of protons.
On the pH scale, water is-
A. Acidic
B. Neutral
C. Basic
B. Neutral
Any pH less than 7 is known as a(n) ____.
Any pH more than 7 is known as a(n) ____.
Coke, sugars, tooth decay, and stomach, citric, and nucleic acids are all...
Acids are the ____ end of _____.
A. Carboxyl, Nucleic Acids
B. Hydroxyl, Nucleic Acids
C. Carboxyl, Amino Acids
D. Hydroxyl, Amino Acids
C. Carboxyl, Amino Acids
Buffers are what?
A mixture of a weak acid and a weak base.
A. Catalyze changes in pH
B. Resist changes in pH
C. Don't care about changes in pH
B. Resist changes in pH
Why are buffers important to enzymes?
Because enzymes are sensitive to small changes in pH.
Perameters (factors) in homeostasis include these four things.
pH, Temperature, Osmolarity, and Pressure.
All living organisms have all four types of ______.
Two exceptions to the above rule are _____ and ____.
Viruses and prions
The four macromolecules are:
Proteins, Nucleic Acids, Lipids, and Carbohydrates.
Macromolecules are made of subunits called:
Monomers and Polymers
Polymerization is the process of what?
The process of joining monomers into a polymer.
In a condensation reaction, water is ______.
A. Added
B. Removed
B. Removed
Covalent bonds are the ____ _____ of all macromolecules.
Basic Backbone
Specific types of bonds include these four bonds:
Peptide, Glycosidic, Ester, and Phosphodiester bonds.
The functions of proteins include these four things.
Cytoskeletons, Stabilization of DNA, Signals, Receptors of Signals, and Toxins, and Enzymes.
Enzymes are...
Catalysts, specific, usually proteins, and sensitive to their environment.
Enzymes end in:
A. -ise
B. -ese
C. -ase
D. -ose
C. -ase
Proteins are made up of what kind of subunits?
Monomers (amino acids, specifically)
Proteins are connected by what kinds of bonds?
Why are proteins polypeptide bonds and not peptide bonds?
Because proteins are made up of 200 or more amino acids long.
The primary level of protein organization is responsible for what?
The order of amino acids.
The secondary level of protein organization is responsible for what?
How the polypeptide folds
The tertiary level of protein organization is responsible for what?
The 3D structure of a protein
The quaternary level of protein organization is responsible for what?
How two or more polypeptides join to form active proteins
Lipids come three fun shapes and sizes! What are they?
Fats, oils, and waxes
The functions of lipids are these three things.
Cell membrane, energy storage, and cell regulation
The three types of lipids, specifically, are...?
Triglycerides, phospholipids, and steroids.
The triglyceride backbone is made of...?
Fatty acids interact with the hydroxyl ions in glycerol to create what type of bond?
Fatty acids are long, unbranched chains of _____ with Carbonyl-OR-Hydroxyl at one end.
Carbon with carbonyl at one end
There is room for how many fatty acids on each glycerol?
Saturated fatty acids have a ____ melting point than unsaturated fatty acids.
A. Higher
B. Lower
A. Higher
These fats are the healthy ones.
A saturated fatty acid always has all possible positions on a Carbon occupied by a ____.
An unsaturated fatty acid always has a _____ bond with neighboring carbons.
Cell membranes are made up of...
A. Lipids
B. Carbohydrates
C. Phospholipids
C. Phospholipids
Phospholipids have a _____ backbone.
Amphipathic means these two things.
One end is polar and the other end is nonpolar.
Phospholipds will spontaneously form a ______ in water.
All membranes of all cells are made up of _____ layers.
Steroids all are made up of four ____-_____.
The function of steroids is to do what?
Make membranes more fluid
The function of carbohydrates are these three things.
Energy storage, signalling and recognition, and plant cell walls.

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