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Family Therapy, Ch. 1

The Essentials of Family Therapy, by M. Nichols


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Family therapists assume that...
dominant forces in our lives are located externally, within the family. When family organization is transformed, the life of every family member is altered accordingly.
Individual therapy is particularly useful...
when it seems that the client's situation has not changed, and yet the client is suddenly in distress.
Freud opted for individual therapy so that...
the understandings and misunderstandings of childhood could play out in an environment of the client's own creation, without distortion.
True or False: Freud included family members in his work with patients.
Should a client who is looking to face fears go to a family therapist or individual therapist?
Individual therapist (If the issue is within the individual, although others can support change, the change needs to come from within the individual.)
Family therapy is particularly useful for people whose family situation...
cannot change (like a child who can't choose to leave her parents, a married couple that hopes to stay married, or with broader family feuds.)
Rogers opted for individual therapy so that...
the client's feelings are not subverted to gain another's approval.
Individual therapists assume that...
although family life shapes personality, these influences are internalized and the intrapsychic dynamics become the dominant forces controlling behavior.
Changes made in family therapy last because...
each and every family member changes and thus can exert synchronous change on each other (If nobody smokes anymore, it's harder to start smoking again.)
Freud and Rogers both predicated that... (2 things)
psychological problems arise from unhealthy interactions with others; this can best be alleviated in the private relationship between therapist and patient.
A reason for blaming family sorrows on the personal failings of parents is...
that it's hard for the average person to see past individual personalities to the structural patterns that make a family- system of interconnected lives governed by strict, but unspoken rules
family members in therapy...
talk NOT about actual experiences, but about reconstructed memories that resemble the original experiences only in certain ways
Family therapy happens by...
bringing men and women, parents and children, together to transform their interactions
The problem with the term "dysfunctional family," according to Nichols, is that it...
blames the parents rather than the structure of the family for creating problems
Freud excluded the family from psychoanalysis because...
he wanted his patients to feel safe and explore the full range of their thoughts and feelings
We are defined and sustained by...
a network of human relationships

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