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LAST: Exam I


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Tierra caliente crops
Sugarcane, banana, cattle
What is the ITCZ?
Intertropical Convergence Zone, band of rising air creates global wind and weather patterns
Highly productive raised fields in a Mexican lake environment. Maize, beans, squash, amaranth, tomatoes, and chilies
Portuguese colonial experience:
Portugal colonized eastern Brazil: brazilwood (dye), sugar plantations, gold, diamonds, indian/african slaves
Francisco Pizarro and Diego Almagro
Conquered the Incas in 1536
What 5 factors produce climate?
Latitude, altitude, season (sun/earth), how far inland, rain shadow,
Where is the ITCZ in January?
South of the equator
Tierra templada
Hadley cell
Circulation pattern, rising motion near equator, flows toward 30 deg north and south. Related to the trade winds, tropical weather/rain, subtropical deserts
Old World domesticates
Wheat, rice, coffee, pig, smallpox, sugar, grapes
Flota system: ocean currents
Gulf stream and Canary current
Eclectic mix of indigenous, spanish and african culture.
Pedro Cabral
Conquered the Mayans
Puna o paramo
Wheat, potato, barley
Where are the Tropics?
Area between the Tropic of Cancer and Topic of Capricorn
At which altitude is coffee grown?
Tierra templada
Zacatecas (Mexico) Potosi (Bolivia)
Around 1545, large silver mines established, became the largest of New World cities, the "motors" of Spanish colonialism.
Three types of indigenous livelihood systems
Advanced farming, semi-sedentary, hunter/gatherer
Waru Waru agriculture
Raised fields along lake Titicaca, in the Andes. Regulated temperature, regulated irrigation, fertile muck, supplemental fish harvests. Potatoes, quinoa.
Winds created by Hadley cell and Earth's rotation
Trade Winds to West and Westerlies to the East
Pristine myth
Populations were actually large and landscapes were humanized, The human presence was probably less visible in 1750 than in 1492, when historical accounts were written. Agriculture, advanced farming, artifacts (toys with wheels), large structures (architecture)
Impact of colonialism
Trade control, transportation routes not for internal dev, mines/plantations, social stratification. Warefare, disease, disruption of agriculture 22 million to 2 million.
Hernan Cortez
Conquered the Aztecs in 1492
Tierra helada
What advantages did the Spanish have over Incas?
Disease, horses, farming, livestock, steel weapons, gunpowder, military strategy from Cortez
Asian migration hypothesis
Migration across Bering Land Bridge (Russia to Alaska) in waves beginning 20,000 years ago
Value of traditional potato varieties?
More diversified makes then disturbance-resistant (blight, cold, drought, disease). Modern agriculture makes little use of biodiversity, using HYV high-yield varieties that thrive under ideal conditions.
Countries colonized by Iberian Peninsula countries (Spain and Portugal)
Why did the Europeans spread so many diseases to Native Americans?
Livestock diseases spread to humans in Europe because they lived and worked in close proximity. Over time, genetic resistance evolved in Europeans. By contrast, the Incas only interacted with Llamas. However, they did not milk them nor live beside them. When the Europeans came to the new world, they inevitably brought disease with them. The native Americans had never encountered such diseases, so they could not have built up any resistance in the population, so the number of people susceptible to disease was much greater.
Which livelihood system most attractive for conquest?
Advanced farming
Sun-earth relationships
In Jan, ITCZ is in south of equator, so summer south and winter north. In July, ITCZ is north of equator, so summer north and winter south
Tierra fria
Columbian exchange
Interchange of plants/animals from old to new world
Spanish colonial experience:
Took over existing populations: livestock, sugar, silver/gold, slaves
New World domesticates
Corn, potatoes, llama, tomato, yuca/manioc, cacao, coca, tobacco, peanut, Quinoa, squash, most beans
Horse latitudes
Latitudes between 30 and 35 degrees both north and south, variable wind/calm with little precipitation (desert)

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