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Ch.12: Cognitive and Biological Attainments of Middle Childhood


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EEG Coherence
the synchronization of electrical activity in different areas of the brain.
concrete operations
coordinated mental actions that fit into a logical system in a way that creates greater unity of thinking.
piaget's term for the understanding that some properties of an object or substance remain the same even when its appearance is altered in some superficial way.
mental operation in which the child realizes that a change limited to outward appearance does not change the substances involved.
a mental operation in which the child realizes that changes in one aspect of a problem are compared with and compensated for by changes in another aspect.
a mental operation in which the child realizes that one operation can be negated, or reversed, by the effects of another.
memory span
the number of randomly presented items of info that can be repeated immediately after they are presented.
deliberate, controllable cognitive operation performed for the purpose of attaining a particular goal
process of repeating to oneself the material that one is trying to memorize.
memory organization
a memory strategy in which children mentally group the materials to be remembered in meaningful clusters of closely associated items.
a memory strategy in which children identify or make up connections between two or more things they have to remember
ability to think about one's memory processes
cognitive representations of actions needed to achieve a specific goal.
ability to think about one's own thought processes

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