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US History Exam 3


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Chesapeake Affair 1807
US naval vessel (USS Chesapeake) leaving Norfolk VA is stopped by a British vessel to search for British deserters
- Captain of US vessel refuses to be searched and the BT open fire
- US surrenders & BT take 3BT subjects & 1 US citizen
- Public is outraged
- Jefferson asked for an end to impressments or he'll put economic pressure on the BT.
-BT refuse to end impressments
Embargo Act of 1807
- No US goods or US ships can leave a US port for a foreign port
Purpose of embargo act of 1807?
What are some problems with this act?
Success or failure?
Gain of concessions from Britain and France because they will be hurt by the loss of the trade with the US
- Smuggling, & US economics suffer
- embargo is a failure. British aren't hurt but the American economy suffers
- Jefferson is seen as a hypocrite
- feds are angry

Repealed in 1809
What is an embargo?
A government restriction or restraint on commerce, esp an order that prohibits trade in a given commodity or with a particular nation
Elections of 1808

Who won?

James Madison (VA)
George Clinton (NY)
Who were the Warhawks and what did they believe?
Warhawks were groups of politicians who pressed others to declare war
Major Warhawks were:

- Henry Clay & John C. Calhoun
What problems occured in the west around 1811?
conflict btwn settlers & native americans in southern indiana
- Tecumseh & the Prophet (unifcation & religion)
- William Henry Harrison (GV or indiana territory)
- Battle of Tippecanoe (1811)- where Harrison destroys the Prophet's Town and Americans blame the British
What were the 4 main causes of the war of 1812?
1) Impressements- impressing American citizens & sailors into the BT naval services
2) Violation of comercial rights
3) Problems in the West
4) Violation of independence
What were some US military failures of the US in the war of 1812?
- war is a series of military disasters for US
- british & Tecumseh take Detroit
- British Navy= 600 ships, & US navy= 16 ships
- The USS Chesapeake- in 1812 are in Boston & many British ships are close to port, one on one naval battle with another British ship but gets pounded and has to surrender (Don't give up the ship)
- US has to rely on state militias to fight
Why did the Federalists oppose the War of 1812?
- Feds are pro british
- feel we should help with British fight war with france
- british are defenders of civilization
- war hurts commerce & shipping for new england
what were the results of the election of 1812?
Republicans James Madison & Elbridge Gerry win.
- Though the reps win presidency more electoral votes went to the Feds since the last election!
What was the Hartford Convention in 1814?
Meeting of Feds in Hartford CT
- wants to ammend constitution to protect Fed interest
- A decleration of war would have to take a 2/3 vote & embargos can only last 60 days
- Ammendments fail in Washingto because US catches some huge breaks in the War
What were some british Offensives in 1814 during the War of 1812?
Strategy was 3 proged attack
1) invade from Canada & cut New england off from the US.
- Fails: At Lake Champlain- build war ships on both sides & US by chance win the naval battle there. Stops british from the north
2) Capture and burn down DC- but it doesn't really stop or hurt US
3) capture New Orleans & control the Mississippi River
- Gen Andrew Jackson- army & milita & roundly defeat British.
What were the Results of the War of 1812 (3)?
1) Treaty of Ghent- "status Quo antebellum"- officially neither side wins or loses- US truly gains the 2nd war of indpendence
2) Battle of New Orleans- beat the best British had to offer, large BT causalities, America had a high sense of nationalism
3) Death of the Fed Party- caused by the victory of the War of 1812
What were the 4 types of Nationalism?
1) Economic Nationalism
2) Political Nationalism
3) Judicial Nationalism
4) Diplomatic Nationalism
Economic Nationalism of US?
- Growth in the US (pop boom & addition of states)
- market rev (market economy & larger farms)
- Transportation rev (Canals, steamboats, railroads)
- Industrial rev- (iron production, cotton gin, interchangable parts)
What was the famous canal made in US?
Erie Canal in NY state- connected the Hudson river in NY & Lake Erie (385 mi?)
- effect: drops the price of transporting goods to the northern states)
What are interchangable parts?
helped with factories, most importance came in manufacturing weapons
What did the economic nationalism change about the Rep. views?
- Reps changed in promoting industry
- favored tariffs & national bank
-Tariff of 1816
- 2nd bank of US
What was the purpose of the tarriff of 1816?
was the 1st protective tariff which placed higher prices on incoming goods to protect competition with US products
- Was believed that it is good for the entire nation- even if it benefits the north more.
What was the 2nd bank of the US?
1st bank was only chartered for 20yrs, not renewed. Proliferation of State banks which leads to financial chaos. Reps therefore favor a national bank. They create the 2nd bank which will last again for only 20yrs.
What is the American System?
proposed by Henry Clay
- American system (Tariff, Bank, internal improvements)
- Bank funds internal improvements
- Internetal improvements carry raw materials to industries that are protected by the tariff.
- name? because it helps the entire nation, doing what is best for the people!
What did Political Nationalism do for the US?
James Monroe (election of 1816)- unanimously elected 2nd time round
- Era of Good feelings- no opposition party and high sense of nationalism, period of unification
Judicial Nationalism?
- John Marshall- supreme court chief justice (strengthen national gov, power of national gov is strengthened)
- McCulloch Vs. Maryland (1819)
What was the McCulloch vs. Maryland case about?
- 2nd bank of the US incorporated in 1816
- Maryland didn't agree with the 2nd bank, they prefer their state bank
- State leg. declares 2nd bank unconstitutional using compact theory of gov.
- (MD puts high tax on 2nd bank of US, McCulloch who was the treasurer of the 2nd bank in MD doesn't pay tax)
- Marshall's decision- MD cannot decide constitutionality of the constitution & bank, rejects compact theory of gov, 2nd bank is constitutional because of implied powers.

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