undefined, object
copy deck
- gainsay
- to deny, contradict
- gait
- manner of walking
- gall
- bitterness
- galvanize
- to stimulate, to startle into sudden activity
- gambit
- strategy, an opening one uses to advantage
- gambol
- to frolic, to romp about
- garble
- to distort
- gargantuan
- gigantic, huge
- garish
- tastelessly gaudy
- garrulous
- talkative
- gauche
- awkward, tactless
- gaunt
- thin and bony, bleak and barren
- gelid
- very cold, frozen
- genial
- warm, friendly
- germane
- relevant, fitting
- gesticulation
- lively or excited gesture
- gird
- to encircle
- give
- to scoff, to ridicule
- glean
- to gather patiently and with great effort
- glib
- fluent, smooth
- gloaming
- twilight, dusk
- glutinous
- gluey, sticky
- goad
- to encourage, to spur on
- gossamer
- light, flimsy, fine
- grandiloquent
- pretentious, speaking in a pompous style
- gratuitous
- free of cost, unnecessary
- gregarious
- sociable, friendly
- grime
- fierce, stern
- guile
- deceit, trickery
- guileless
- sincere
- gustatory
- pertaining to the sense of taste