TCF 100
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- The fundamental principle of WHICH philosophy about the media business is: "in order to act as responsible citizens, people need information about the issues & events occurring in their world"
- public sphere model
- The fundamental principle of WHICH philosophy about the media business is: "attract an audience to sell to advertisers"
- media for profit
- WHICH business philosophy sees the public interest as "what the public is interested in"?
- the market model
- In the 1980s FCC Chairman mark Fowler said that a television is like any other appliance in your house: "its like a ___ with pictures"
- toaster
- In the video "Ther Merchants of Cool", what is another name for a "culture spy"
- Cool Hunter
- The video "The Merchants of Cool" revealed that advertisers see young men as ___ and young woman as ____
- mooks -- middriffs
- name the FOUR basic market structures
- pure competition, monopolistic competition, oligarchoply, monopoly
- Thinking about media management strategies, WHICH strategy is defined as "the merging of smaller companies into larger ones"?
- consolidation
- True or False: The Supreme Court ruled that all federal courts should allow camera in the court room.
- False
- Thinking about media management strategies, if I told you that a media company bought out their direct competitors. Would the be using Horizontal Integration or Vertical Integration?
- Horizontal Integration
- Thinking about media management strategies, which strategy refers to moving media business into overseas markets?
- globalization
- Recall that I said in class that Disney is the KING of marketing synergies. Define this management strategy
- ???!?!?
- Developing a strong identity for your product with consumers refers to which marketing strategy?
- Branding
- As as advertiser buys MORE time on a specific medium, will the amount of money they pay per advertising spot go up or down?
- ??!?
- What does CPM stand for & what does it mean?
- Cost Per Thousand. refers to how much it cost to reach 1000 people with advertisements
- What is the name of the organization that regulates advertising?
- What are two reasons why broadcasting industry can be regulated?
- Spectrum Scarcity - Pervasiveness