Art History-SAD
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- Define a "narrative" work of art
- one that "tells a story"
- Define an "abstract" work of art
- has only a stylized or symbolic reference to objects in nature - more about information than a realistic depiction
- Identify the following for the work of art, Venus of Willendorf: Medium, Culture/ Style, Bracket Dates
- Limestone, Paleolithic, 30,000 - 9,000 BC
- Name 4 Key concepts of the Paleolithic Culture.
- 1. People were hunter-gatherers 2. Base concern: fertility 3. Images & objects linked to rituals 4. Images both stylized & naturalistic
- What are the bracket dates for Paleolithic Art?
- 30,000 - 9,000 BC
- Define: post and lintel
- As in Stonehenge, large stone posts (monoliths), capped by stone "beams" used to span an opening (lintel)
- Identify the following for the work of art, Bisons: Medium, Culture/Style, Bracket Dates
- Cave painting Paleolithic 30,000 - 9,000 BC
- What are the primary concerns in the Paleolithic Culture?
- fertility, food, survival
- What are the bracket dates for Neolithic Art?
- 9,000 - 3,200 BC
- What are the art periods for Prehistoric Art?
- Paleolithic: Old Stone Age c40,000-8,000BC & Neololithic: New Stone Age, 8,000-2,300BC
- Who is Sir Arthur Evans?
- Archeologist - Inspired by Heinrich Schliemann who discovered the Minoan Culture c. 1900.
- What are the bracket dates for Minoan Art?
- 3000 - 1400 BC
- Define: Megalith
- A large, rough-hewn stone used in the construction of monumental prehistoric structures.
- Rhyton in the shape of a bull's head, Knossos. C. 1500-1450 BC , Crete
- Identify the following work of art: Bull-Leaping Fresco (Medium, Culture/Style, Bracket Dates)
- Fresco, Minoan, 3000 - 1400 BC (stylized Minoan figures, highly animated)
- Name 4 Key Concepts of the Neolithic Culture.
- 1. New values linked to new life-style (new interest in afterlife & concerns beyone simple survival) 2. No longer hunter-gatherers (fixed communities, agriculture & animal husbandry) 3. Emphasis on cycles of life & cycles of seasons 4. Art - More images of humans, more abstract than paleolithic art
- Identify the following for the work of art, Stonehenge, England: Culture/ Style, Bracket Dates
- Neolithic 9,000 - 3,200 BC
- Is Venus of Willendorf a naturalistic or stylized work of art? What does she represent?
- Stylized Represents an exagerrated womanly figure symbolizing fertility.
- Identify the following for the work of art, Human Skull: Medium, Culture/ Style, Bracket Dates
- Human skull & plaster Neolithic 9,000 - 3,200 BC
- What are the bracket dates for Mycenaean Art?
- 1500 - 1200 BC
- Post and Lintel
- Two or more vertical elements are used to support a bridging horizontal one.
- Corbelling
- Laying of flat stones without mortar forming a wall
- Dolmen
- The Simplest Type of megalithic tomb
- Capstones
- A big Stone or Rock supporting a huge table-like stone form
- Menhirs
- Single vertical magalithic (big rock)
- Cromlech
- A circular pattern
- Alignment
- straight rows
- Henge
- A circle of stones or post, often surrounded by a ditch with a built up embankment
- Mortise and tendon joints
- a conical projection from one piece fitting into a hole in the next
- Characteristic of Ancient Egyptian Art
- First sign of writing appears, Art is centered around the tombs , religion, Nile River and the two kingdoms: Old Kingdom & New Kingdom
- Lamassus
- Often Lamassus , guardian protectors of palaces and thrones, bearded head of a man, , lion/bull body, wings, had five legs.
- Mastaba
- Standard form of Egyptian tombs
- Pyramids
- Third Dynasty development of mastaba that were quite large and resembled those of royal palace.
- Hybrid
- Made of different animals
- Characteristic of New Kingdom
- Painted w/ mineral based paint; more stylized, coloration, same profile
- Size associated with importance in ancient art
- Hieratic Scale
- No not conform to natural appearances
- Stylized
- Imagines dedicated to the Gods
- Votice Figures
- Upright Slab
- Stele
- compound of buildings where the ruler governed and resided
- Palace complex
- Fortressed or walled city
- Citadel
- notches on the top of walls and towers
- Crenellation
- Identify the following work of art: The Lion Gate (Medium, Culture/Style, Bracket Dates)
- Architecture, Mycenaean, 1500 - 1200 BC (heraldic animal figures, relieving triangle, post and lintel)
- acanthus
- A plant that inspired architectural ornamentation, used in Corintinian
- acropolis
- The citadel used in ancient Greek
- acroterion
- An ornament used at the corner or peak of a roof
- amphiprostyle
- An oval arena for an athletic event
- aniconic
- a symbol represented without images of human figures
- relieving arch
- an arch built with a heavy wall just above a post and lintel structure (such as a gate or window) to help support the wall above
- Atmospheric Prospective
- Variations in color and clarity caused by distance.
- attribute
- The symbol ic object or objects that identify a particle deity, saint of personification in art.
- capital
- the top of a column
- chiaroscuro
- Italian word designating the contrast of dark and light in a painting
- Identify the following work of art: Palace at Knossos (Location, Medium, Culture/Style, Bracket Dates)
- Greek Island of Crete, Architecture, Minoan, 3000 - 1400 BC (sophisticated w/ running water and sewer systems, structure added on to over period of yrs, stylized bull horns on bldg)
- What are the Key Concepts of Minoan Culture?
- 1. Urbanized, maritime culture, located on many islands 2. Peaceful, traders & merchants 3. Palace may be source for myth of Minotaur 4. Defeated by warrior culture frm Greek mainland
- What are the Key Concepts for the Mycenaean Culture?
- 1. On Greek mainland 2. Militaristic 3. Built massive defensive structures
- Who is Heinrich Schliemann?
- Archeologist who discovered Troy and Mycenaean Culture based on information in Homer's Iliad in the Late 19th Century.
- Define composite view
- when a figure is represented in both profile and frontally for another part of the body. More about information than accurate representation.
- What are the Key Concepts of Egyptian Art?
- 1. Emphasis on powerful individuals & afterlife 2. principle medium = stone 3. object convey strength, power, permanence 4. Art reflects hierarchical society 5. formal, unchanging, follow strict canon for human form 6. Composite view of figure
- Name all three of The Great Pyramids
- Khufu (the oldest & largest), Khafre (with Great Sphinx), Menkaure
- What are the Key Concepts of Egyptian Culture?
- 1. Hierarchical society 2. Pharaoh 3. Obsessed with the afterlife (necropolis, mumification, Ka)
- Identify the following work of art: The Great Pyramids of Giza (Location, Medium, Culture/Style, Bracket Dates)
- Gizeh, Egypt, Architecture, Old Kingdom Egypt, 2550 - 2140 BC (Burialgrounds inside, structures showed strength, power, permanence)
- Identify the following work of art: Temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel (Location, Medium, Culture/Style, Bracket Dates)
- Egypt, Architecture, New Kingdom Egypt, 1550 - 710 BC (Ramses shown in same position as seen for thous. of yrs., links him to previous great pharaohs, promotes sense of power)
- Identify the following work of art: Palette of King Narmer (Medium, Culture/Style, Bracket Dates)
- Relief sculpture (with registers), Predynastic Egypt, 3500 - 2920 BC (complex narrative, composite view from canon, depicts unification of upper & lower Egypt, functional object for putting on eye make-up)
- What are the bracket dates for Predynastic Egypt?
- 3500 - 2920 BC
- What are the bracket dates for Old Kingdom Egypt?
- 2550 - 2140 BC
- What are the bracket dates for New Kingdom Egypt?
- 1550 - 710 BC
- Identify the following work of art: Khafre (Medium, Culture/Style, Bracket Dates)
- Sculpture (closed-style), Old Kingdom Egypt, 2550 - 2140 BC (Idealized, canon for 3-D Pharaoh, Hawk symbolizes power)
- Identify the following work of art: Fowling Scene (Medium, Culture/Style, Bracket Dates)
- Fresco, New Kingdom Egypt, 1550 - 710 BC (fresco secco - dry fresco, animals naturalistic, figures sized according to rank)
- Identify the following work of art: Last Judgement of Hu-Nefer (Medium, Culture/Style, Bracket Dates)
- Papyrus scroll, New Kingdom Egypt, 1550 - 710 BC (continuous narrative, formal, Hu-Nefer's heart judged, ultimately awarded eternal life)
- Define "relieving triangle"
- In a corbeled arch, the opening above the lintel that serves to lighten the weight to be carried by the lintel itself
- Define "chimera / fantastic animals"
- animals depicted as behaving like humans
- Define "beehive dome with corbeled vault"
- pointed dome created by stacking stone blocks in horizontal courses, each sticking out slightly further than the one below
- Define "lapis lazuli"
- semi-precious, azure-blue stone imported from Afghanistan... used by and for people of wealth and importance
- Define "labryinth"
- English word that derives from the intricate plan & scores of rooms of the Knossos palace. Labrys means "double ax" in Greek, which was a symbol seen throughout the palace
- Define "hierarchical society"
- A society in which there is separation into groups of people based on rank or class allowing priviledges to those in a "higher" class
- Define "pharaohs"
- ancient Egyptian kings, considered living gods
- Define "Mesopotamia"
- Area between the rivers, Tigris and Euphrates
- Define "hierarchical space"
- A building which has limited access to people based on their importance or rank in society
- Define "mumification"
- technique for embalming in order to preserve the body
- Define "registers"
- bands in a pictoral narrative
- Define "necropolis"
- Greek for "city of the dead"
- Define "hypostyle hall"
- huge room with a roof supported by many columns
- Define "fresco"
- Painting on lime plasters either dry or wet
- Define "clerestory"
- raised central section in a hypostyle hall that allowed light to filter into the interior
- Define "ka"
- life force that the Egyptians believed was with a person from birth and could inhabit the corspe upon death and live on
- Define "papyrus"
- material used by the Eyptians for writing on... as in papyrus scrolls
- Define "palette"
- a stone slab with a circular depression
- Define "heraldic composition"
- a central figure with an animal on each side
- Define "capital"
- the uppermost part of a column
- Define "closed style"
- In sculpture, no open spaces, solid & attached... gives a sense of strength and power
- Define "continuous narrative"
- In a painting or sculpture, when a figure appears more than once in the same space at different stages in a story
- Define "canon"
- rules of proportion, strictly adhered to in Egyptian art
- Define "longitudinal plan with central axis"
- The horizontal, symmetrical arrangement of a building from a central point running the length of the building
- Define "relief sculpture"
- A sculpture in which the figures are projecting from the the surface of which they are a part
- Define "stele"
- A carved, stone slab erected to commemerate an event
- Define "votive offering"
- gift of gratitude offered to a god or goddess
- Define "cuneiform"
- wedge-shaped, pictograph signs used by the Sumerians for writing
- Define "sunken relief"
- deep outlines chiseled below the stone's surface (as in sunken relief columns)