Endless Steppe Vocabulary
undefined, object
copy deck
- realated to a father;father-like
- paternal
- related to a mother; mother-like
- maternal
- false courage or bravery
- bravado
- a person who invest money in a business in order to make more money
- capitalist
- trash, garbage, something to be thrown away
- refuse
- freedom granted by the government
- amnesty
- courteous respect for anothers wishes or opinions
- deference
- germ-free, clean
- antiseptic
- blistered, infected, pus filled
- ulcerated
- hint, subtle suggestion
- insinuation
- egg of a louse
- nit
- letters of the Russian alphabet
- Cyrillic
- one who is not accepted by the group; an outsider
- pariah
- the best example of and object or idea
- prototype
- generosity, kindness
- largesse
- history; record books, statistics
- annals
- secret; hidden
- surreptitious
- careful; giving attention to details
- fiastidious
- wealth; richness
- opulence
- silly, irrational, nonsenical
- ludicrous
- speech, oral presentation
- declamation
- dramatic, emotional acting
- histrionics
- storage area, panty, cupboard
- larder
- return to the land of one's fathers; homeland
- repatriation
- cruel, inhumane acts
- atrocities