Deviance Exam Test 3
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- Personal space is one example of...
- social definition of reality
- Ethnomethodologists would argue that deviance upsets us because it threatens to destroy...
- reality
- Ethnomethodologists would argue that thieves challenge our agreed upon reality because they don’t believe in private property.
- true
- Ethnomethodologists are interested in...
- how people in everday life construct reality
- Most lasting damage for a victim of deviance is...
- psychological
- If a key person in an interaction fails to play his role correctly...
- others will have problems in doing their role correctly
- What social movement solidified political power for the dominant class?
- prohibition
- The young woman raped quoted the crime made her...
- look beyond herself to give others compassion
- Sociologists interested in ways that people negotiate reality are called...
- ethnomethodologists
- Ethnomethodologists define _______ as a presence, which challenges our agreed reality.
- deviance
- Three effects that deviance has on the social system are?
disrupts coordination
destroys trust
destroys willingness to conform - Serpent handling is considered a...
- safety valve to release tension
- Why don’t plant quality control inspectors foreman enforce rules against the use of taps?
- promotion is based upon meeting production guideline and they must get along with the workers
- Unregulated statistics when social control fails people are controlled by...
- self-interest
- What is not a deterrent to deviance according to social control theorists?
- knowledge of appropriate accounts
- Conflict theory argues that ____ provides dynamics of social conflict.
- economic structure
- conflict theory believes deviance is...
- defined by the powerful
- High consensus deviance...
- society agrees is indeed deviant
- What is a motive for deviance among the powerful?
- greater subjective deprivation
- What is the symbolic relation between deviance of powerful and deviance of powerless?
- the deviance of one encourages another
- Deviance neutralization is a process by which we attempt to maintain a self-image while violating convential norms without...
- surrendoring allegiance to norms
- What is not a reason for crime given by conflict theorists?
- worker becomes jealous of capitalists
- What is the type of conflict which involves incompatible interest needs and desires of diverse groups?
- social conflict
- What does Clyde Bellecourt say the 3 main enemies of native Americans are?
European style education
federal - Thio encourages deviance of powerless in 3 ways. What is the third way?
- trickle effect
- Thio suggests that there is a higher rate of deviance among poor and powerless people than among rich and powerful people.
- false
- Peter Blau suggests in order to have power one must control...
- what others think they must have
- ____ exists when there is an agreement among subordinates that the power holder has a right to rule.
- authority
- ____ occurs when people wish to control their own reward outcomes.
- deviance
- Cipher in the Snow story illustrates...
- the self fulfilling prophecy
- “I’m sorry I have to ask these questions" illustrates...
- apology and mystification
- Control theory’s central question is...
- what causes conformity?