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Chapter 8 Body Systems


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What are the two major devisions of the nervous system?
Central and Autonomic nervous system
How many bones comprise the vertebrae?
What are the two main roots for circulation?
Pulmonary and systematic.
What does the thyroid glad do?
Controls metabolic rate, regulates growth and development of sexual maturity.
How much does the human brain weigh?
3 pounds
What is near sightedness?
What is strabismus?
Cross eyes.
How many hours of sleep do you need?
8 to 9 hours
What are the three different types of muscle tissues?
Cardiac, skeletal and smooth
What are the three parts of the ear?
The outer, inner, and middle.
The body's internal balance relies greatly on the release and regulation of these?
What is the best means for caring for the skin?
Washing daily.
What is essential to all cell?
What is plasma?
A liquid component of blood which is 90% water and 10% disolved protein, glucose, ions, hormones and gases.
What is the function of the pancreas?
secretes digestive enzymes into the small intestine which regulates blood glucose.
What is the largest part of the human brain?
What are the three things skeletal/muscular system provides?
Physical shape and structure, protection, and enables movement.
What are the functions of the cerebellum?
motor coordination and body movement
posture and balance
What are the three parts of the circulatory system?
heart, blood, lymphatic system
What are joints such as the elbow and knee that can only move in one direction?
Hinge joints
The human body contains more than 650 of these?
What are the most sensitive and delicate organs in the body?
What should fair or light skin people use?
Name two symptoms of a asigmatism?
Blurred vision at near or far,
Eye strain,
How many chambers does the heart have?
What are the four major components of physical fitness?
Cardio respitory edorance, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility.
What lobe of the brain is responsbile for motor activity/muscle activity, speech and thought processes?
frontal lobe
What is the femur?

Is it the largest bone in the body?
Upper leg bone.

The spinal column is made up of what?
Bones called verterbrae.
What are most oral health problems related to?
What is pediculosis?
Lice infestation.
What are one of the bodys most useful tools in combatting either physical or mental fatigue?
What is the two parts of the cardiac cycle?
Systole and diastole
What causes acne?
Inflamation of the oil glands in the skin and at the base of strands of hair.
What are the two types of muscle?
Voluntary and involuntary.
What are the five benefits of increased activity?
Improved health, stamina, appearance, social life and sense of well being.
What is responsible for auditory, signals, processing language and the meaning of the words?
temporal lobe
What organs are responsible for regulating water content mineral compositions and acidity of the body and the removal of waste products from the blood?
The kidneys
What does the ear control?
Hearing and balance.

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