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Philosophy 100 Vocab

Vocab for Midterm from Classic Philosophical Questions


undefined, object
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the doctrine that only "I" exists
Correspondence theory
the view contending that truth is an agreement between the proposition and a fact
a proposition that is true because of the meanings of its word
Method of intuition (Peirce)
those who follow this method arrive at thier beliefs independent of experience, that is, by intuition
Ethical egoism
the belief that all people ought to seek their own interests
Secondary qualities
according to Locke, qualities that we impose on an object: colour, smell, texture, and so on
Social philosophy
the application of moral principles to the problems of freedom, equality, and justice
the view that nothing has value
Intrinsic value
the inherent worth that something has
Soft determinism
attempts to reconcile freedom and responsibility with determinism
the belief in a single God
something that may be and also may not be
the metaethical position that ethical statements fundamentally express emotions
the view that each of us should seek the greatest good for the greatest number of people
when one reasons by analogy, one concludes that because two or more entitles share one aspect, they share another as well
the worldview that holds that there is but a single order of reality, that of matter-in-motion
Hypothetical imperative
a command that is useful to attain some end
the metaphysical view that holds that only physical entities are real or exist
Normative ethics
the area of ethics that makes judgements about obligation and value
the view that some individual choices are not caused by earlier events
the view that God's existence can be neither proved nor disproved
the area of philosophy that studies beauty, especially in the arts
an argument using induction or deduction
teh branch of philosophy that studies the methods and principles of correct reasoning
Psychological egoism
the belief that individuals always seek their own interests
the study of the way by which the world unfolds and evolves
the area of philosophy that analyzes the good and right thing to do
A posteriori
concerns knowledge gianed through experience
Method of science (Peirce)
this method involves the sound reasoning and painstaking observation that is used in any science to establish the nature of the real; Peirce argues that the scientific method is the only one of the four approaches that can distinguish the true from the false and this alone can settle disagreements in belief
A priori
concerns knowledge that is gained prior to experience
in economics, the act of governement noninterference
another name for soft determinism
the view that every aspect of our lives has been divinely determined from the beginning of time
that which is affirmed or denied of a subject or substance
the philosophy that rejects all first principles and tests truth through workability
the view that God, having created the universe, remains apart from it and administers it through natural laws
Subjective idealism
the view that all we ever know are our own ideas
denial of theism; it does not believe in a Supreme Being who created and cares for people, but it does not necessarily deny the existence of nontheistic gods
the area of philosophy that investigates the nature, sources, limitations, and validity of knowledge
logical reasoning to probable conclusions
Ethical relativism
the position that moral principles vary from individual to indivdual, from culture to culture; it denies the existence of universal, objective moral principles
Method of tenacity (Peirce)
fixing one's beliefs according to envirionment or personal relationships
the qualities without which any particular object/event would not exist or would be a distinctly different kind of object/event. The qualities necessary for anything to be what it is
they replicate by memory and imitation (mimesis); includes tunes, ideas, fashions and techniques; they require, as teh environment in which they can replicate, a collection of minds, that is, brains that have the powers of imitation and memory; these brains are themselves the products of evolution by gene selection
the view that knowledge has its origins in and derives all of its content from experience
in metaphysics, an entity that can have properties indicated of it but cannot itself be a predicate of any object
the view that to be real is to exist apart from perception
the view that either doubts all assumptions until proved or claims that no knowledge is possible
Dialectical method
a method used by Socrates, Hegel, and Marx, of asking questions and critically analyzing answers as a way to arrive at propositions that can be accepted as true
Formula of Humanity (Kant)
Act as to treat humanity, whether in thine own person or in that of any other, in every case as an end withal, never as a means only
Free will
the view that human acts are not completely determined
an ethical theory that contends that we act morally when we act for our own interests
the theory of knowledge that holds the ultimate source of knowledge is reason
a true or false statement
a critique of classical social and political liberalism, stressing the central importance of the community group over the autonomous individual in the formulation of political and economic rights and obligations
Formula of Autonomy (Kant)
the idea of the will of every rational being as a universally legislative will
belief in many Gods
a metaphysical term used by Plato to refer to nonmaterial, eternal, and changeless entities that constitute reality; examples of Plato's Forms are beauty, justice, man, and so on
the belief that events (either some or all) throughout eternity have been foreordained by some supernatural power (usually God)
a statement in which the subject term does not contain the predicate
in ethics, the theory that emphasizes obligations as primary
Summum bonum
in ethics, the Ultimate Good of human existence, that is, the final good toward which all our endeavors should be directed
the view that everything that happens is caused
teh metaphysical view that humans have free will in spite of any past events; this is the theory of Sartre and Richard Taylor
Aristotole's doctrine that states that tragedy provokes emotions of pity and fear to the extent that they are purged from the individual, who takes pleasure in that purgation
the philosophy that argues that we create our own essence through free action
Leap of faith
an expression used by Kierkegaard to refer to the unquestioned existence of God
Formula of Universal Law of Nature (Kant)
act as if teh mazim of the action were to become by thy will a universal law of nature
the theory that deliberate, purposive activity, rather than mere chance, is involved in some process
the view that reality is composed of two different substances, so that neither one can be related to the other, thus: spirit/matter, mind/body, good/evil
Law of contradiction
a law of logic that states that a proposition and its negation cannot both be true at the same time
logical reasoning to necessary conclusions
the position that only particular entities are real and that universals represent detectable likeness among particulars
the worker or the members of the working class
Method of authority (Peirce)
fixing one's beliefs according to a person, an institution, or a state; one blieves that what this authority states is true
a source of knowledge that does not rely immediately on the senses or reason by on direct awareness
Innate ideas
ideas that are inborn or naturally born
in metaphysics, the position that reality is nonmaterial; in epistemology, the view that we all know are our ideas
a person's principles concerning what is right or wrong
Social humanism
the political philosophy of John Dewey, which holds that every mature human being must be allowed to participate in the formation of the values that regulate living of people together
the study of the meanings of ethical words and of the sentences in which they appear
those who own the means of production
a proposition regarded as self-evident or true
the approximation of thought to reality
the view that events are fixed, usually by a divine being
that which is predictive of many particular entities; thus "human" is a universal, because it is predictive of individual humans
refers to an argument whose conclusion follws by logical necessity
the study of God, including religious doctrines
the immaterial entity that is identified with consciousness, mind, or personality
teh belief that everything is God
an organic view of the state in which the supreme value is placed on the state rather than on the individual
defining a term by providing examples
in ethics, the doctrine that pleasure is the ultimate goal of life that does and should determine our behaviour
the theory that life orginated through an act of the Creator; it strongly criticizes the theory of evolution
Categorical imperative
Immanuel Kant's ethical standard: so act as if the maxim by which you act were to become a universal law
Coherence theory
the view contending that truth is a property of a related group of consistent statements
that which refers to the knower; that which exists in the consciousness but not apart from it
the view that one's moral views are conditioned by factors such as acculturation and personal bias
based on or appealing to reason
whatever is absolute would be underived, complete, perfect, unconditioned, and unchangeable in any way
in epistemology, a particular kind of statement in which the predicate merely spells our what the subject implies, for example, "a bachelor is an unmarried man,"
establishing one's beliefs thorugh one's parents and/or one's environment
being everywhere at once
Instrumental value
the worth that something has because of its use
Sense data
images or sense impressions
the political view that the state is of paramount importance
Hedonistic calculus
a series of calculations used to evaluate the particular ends, either pleasures or avoidance of pains, that human seek

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