Analog 2-4
undefined, object
copy deck
- artisan
- a skilled craftsperson
- litigation
- the process of carrying on a lawsuit
- hedonism
- the doctrine that pleasure is the principal good and should be the aim of action
- insidious
- plotting treacherously; crafty, wily, lying in wait
- charlatan
- an imposter, a fraud or pretender
- mottled
- marked with blotches or spots
- accolade
- a ceremony to mark the recognition of special merit; a mark of acknowledgment like a reward
- hamlet
- small group of houses in the country; in capitalized form
- bumptious
- arrogant; pushy
- indigence
- poverty, neediness
- dotard
- a person in his or her second childhood; a senile person
- convivial
- sociable, jovial
- diaphanous
- delicate, transparent
- gossamer
- a thin, filmy cloth
- minuscule
- tiny, minute
- oaf
- a stupid, clumsy fellow
- obdurate
- hard hearted, hardened
- pathology
- the branch of medicine that deals with the nature of disease; the conditions or results of a particular disease
- crone
- a withered old woman
- crypt
- an underground chamber, vault serving as burial place
- emporium
- a trading center, a large store, a market place
- belligerent
- hostile
- malodorous
- stinking
- prevaricate
- to lie
- immolate
- to offer or kill, as a sacrifice
- ingenuous
- showing innocent or childlike simplicity, naive
- nonentity
- a person of little importance; the state of not existing
- denouement
- the outcome of a plot in a drama or story
- dolt
- a stupid, slow-witted person
- acronym
- a word formed from the first letters of other words
- fervent
- hot, burning, ardent
- gregarious
- fond of company, sociable; living in herds or flocks
- hoyden
- a boisterous girl, a tomboy
- altruism
- concern for the welfare of others
- lugubrious
- mournful, dismal
- askew
- not symetrical, awry; not straight
- florid
- rosy, ruddy, highly colored
- olfactory
- of the sense of smell
- cauldron
- a large kettle
- phalanx
- soldiers arranged in order for battle; a mass or group of individuals with a single common purpose
- peregrinate
- to journey, travel
- docile
- teachable, tractable
- elucidate
- to make clear, to explain
- aesthetic
- sensitive to beauty
- perfidious
- treacherous
- maraud
- to raid, plunder or pillage—a raid, foray
- noxious
- harmful to health or morals, unwholesome
- heinous
- extremely wicked, abominable
- gustatory
- pertaining to the sense of taste
- entourage
- surroundings, environment; a group of attendants
- progeny
- descendants, children; offspring of animals or plants
- abstinent
- refraining from something like food or drink
- pique
- to arouse resentment
- amorphous
- shapeless
- estrange
- to remove; to turn away, to alienate
- contrite
- remorseful
- dissonance
- a harsh or unpleasant sound or combination of sounds; lack of agreement, discord
- fiscal
- having to do with public money, financial
- homonym
- a word with the same pronunciation as another but with a different meaning and usually different spelling
- agnostic
- a person who thinks it is impossible to know whether there is a God or a future life
- adulate
- to flatter
- pedant
- a narrow-minded teacher, a person who stresses unnecessarily minor or trivial points of learning
- cantankerous
- contentious, perverse, grouchy
- lethargic
- abnormally drowsy, dull, sluggish
- innundate
- to overflow, to flood
- posterity
- all of a person's descendants
- coterie
- a group which gathers for social purposes; social circle, clique
- anachronism
- something occuring in the wrong time
- abrogate
- to repeal, to cancel; to do away with
- mogul
- a powerful, important person
- clement
- lenient, merciful, mild (usually refers to the weather)
- construe
- to understand or explain the sense or orientation of; interpret
- fractious
- unruly, rebellious; peevish, fretful
- disconcerting
- upsetting, frustrating
- malign
- to defame, to speak evil of; malevolent, malicious
- irascible
- easily angered, quick tempered
- pragmatic
- busy, active, practical
- churlish
- surly, boorish, miserly, unmannerly
- corsair
- a privateer, a pirate; a pirate ship
- imbibe
- to drink, to absorb