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Operation Rolling Thunder
A big air battle during the Vietnam War
Free speech movement
Led by college students fighting the restriction of free speech
Ho Chin Minh
Communist leader of North Vietnam
Henry Kissinger
The secretary of state the nixon presidency
Pentagon Papers
Were classified information on the War
Domino Theory
The fear that if one country falls to Communists, they will all fall to Communists
Over throw of Ngo Dinh Diem
Dictator of south vietnam who was killed by the vietcong
Geneva Accords
World peace plan
Nixon's plan to force south vietnam to take care of itself
San Francisco Protests against HUAC
Protest against the hearings that HUAC was holding
People who want war
Guerilla Warfare
A type of fighting where the combatants are hidden for a surprise attack
North Vietnam
Communists controlled part of the country
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
A large scale group protesting the goverment
People who oppose war
General William Westmoreland
Top US general in the vietnam war
Dien Bien Phu
The last battle of France vs. the Communists
South Vietnam
US aided part of vietnam
Tet Offensive
A north vietnamese attack
Draft Resistance
People who actively fought the draft
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
US congress gives president Jonhson the right to start the war in vietnam
Teach-ins Against the War in Vietnam
A form of protest where students and teachers refused to leave a classroom
Incident in the Gulf of Tonkin
Communists fired on two US ships

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