undefined, object
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- Kent State University
- massive student protest
- Peace with honor
- secret bombing by nixon
- New Left
- youth movement
- Sutdents ffor Democratic Society
- new left organization
- Robert Mcnamara
- Secretary of Defense
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam
- Southern Vietnamese Soliders
- Vietcong
- Communist opposition group
- Henry Kissinger
- national security adviser
- Search and destory mission
- civilians connected to vietcong
- Free Speech movement
- clash between student and faculty
- George Wallace
- democrat candidate
- Vietnamization
- withdrawl of troops
- Tonkin Gulf Resolution
- president waged war in vietnam
- William Westmoreland
- General for US in Vietnam
- Domino Theory
- French outpost in Vietnam
- My Lai
- small village in vietnam
- Hubert Humphrey
- johnsons vice president
- USS Maddox
- American boat
- Dean Rusk
- Secretary of State
- Eugene Mcarthy
- ran for president
- Ngo Dinh Diem
- South Vietnam President
- Clark Clifford
- supporter if vietnam policy
- Vietminh
- to win independence from foreign rule
- Ho Chi Minh Trail
- paths along the border
- Richard Nixon
- ran for president
- Tet Offensive
- suprise attackon vietcong
- Robert Kennedy
- JFK brother
- Ho Chi Minh
- leader of North Vietnam
- Cambodia invasion
- nicon made congress mad by invading and not telling
- Napalm
- gasoline based bomb
- Pentagon papers
- 7,000 page document not end war
- Geneva Accords
- peace agreement that divided Vietnam
- Agent Orange
- leaf killing toxic chemical