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Psy Test Ch3 & 14


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Free association
Clients spontaneously express their thoughts and feelings exactaly as they occur with as little censorship
Systematic desensitization
Behavior therapy used to reduce clients phobic responses
Resting Potential
Neuron is it's stable, negtative charge when the cell is inactive. -70 Charge
tremors, motor problems, tardive dyskinesia, drowsiness, cottonmouth
Parts of a neuron that are specialized to recieve info.
Chemical that mimics the action of a neurotransmitter
Elevates Suicide risk
Polyogenic Traits
Influenced by more that one pair of genes
Anxiety Drugs Problems
Potention for abuse dependance overdose
3 Major Parts of brain and function
Hindbrain, Midbrain, Forebrain
Types of Antipsycotics
Traditional Antipsy. Atypical Antipsy.
Function of Cerebellum
Coordination Of movement And Critical Sense of equilibrium
Terminal Button
Small snobs that secrete chemicals called neurotransmitters located in synapse
Myelin sheath
Insulating material that encases some axons
Insight Therapy
Talk therapy
Electroconclusive therapy
electic shock used to produce coritcal seizure accompanied by convultsions used to treat depression
Spontaneous Remisson
Psychological disorders something improve on their own.
Action Potential
Breif shift in a nerons electrialc charge that travels along a axon
threadlike strands of DNA molecules that carry genetic info 46 choromsones in cells
chemical that opposes the action of a nerotransmitter
Selective Serotonine Uptake Inhibators(SSRIs)
Most commonly prescribed antidepressant
responsible for theory of evolution
Function Of Cerebrum
Complex thought 2 hemispheres right and left half
Client Centerd Therapy
insight therapy that emphasises providing a supportive emotional climate for clients who play a major roll in determining the pace and direction of therapy
Aversion Therapy
Classical Conditioning to create a negative response to a stimulus that has eliated problematic behavior
Long thin fiber that transmitts signlas away from the soma to other neruons or the muscles of glands
Individual cells in the nercous system that recieve intergrate and transmitt info
Largest part of brain. Most complex region. Complex thought.
Segment of brainstem that lies between the hindbrain and forebrain Sensory processing vision and hearing
Traditional Antipsychotics
Motor disfuntion
2 Types Of cells in nervous system
Neurons and Glia Cells
2 parts of central nervous systen
Brain and spinal chord
Wrote The origin of species in 1859
includes cerebellum and two structures found in lower part of brain stem; Essential functions breathing muscles tones
Steps in cognative behavioral therapy
recognize, reality testing, behavioral tech.
Atypical Antipsy.
Fewer motor problems
3 Reasearch Methods In behavioral genetics
Familiy Genetics, Twin Studies, Adoption Studies.
Treatments for psychtherapy
Insight, Behavioral, Biomedical
What does the endocine system release
Natural Selection
Hereitable ch. That provide a survival or reproductive advantage are more likely than alternative ch. to be passed on to subsequent generations and this come to be selcted over time.
Neuro transmitter
Chemicals that transmitt info from one neuron to another

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