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Public Speaking 2


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What are 7 ways to improve listening?
take it seriously, active listener, resist distractions, avoid distractions of apperance&delivery, suspend jugdmenet, focus on listening, take strong notes
What are 7 causes of poor listening
not concenetrating; listening to hard; jumping to conclusions, suedo, self-centered, selective; focus on delivery&apperance
What makes an effective introduction?
get speaker off on the right foot; create a favorable first impression; boost speakers self confidence
What are the 4 types of listening?
Appreciative, Empathetic, Comprehensive, Critical
Define the 4 types of listening?
Appre- listen for pleasure; Empth-listen as a counselor; Compr-listen to understand; Critical-listern to determine if tru/flse
Purpose of an Introduction?
Gain the attention and intrest of the audience
Define each special occasion speech.
Intrody-intros speaker; Present.-presnts awrd, gift, to sum1 in publk; Accpt.-acpts an awrd, gift, to sum1 in publk; Commem.-pays tribute to person, place, idea...; Diner-entertainment spch in ref. to subject
Difference between hearing and listening
Hearing is natural and Listening is paying attention
Define Body Language?
enhances impact of message
What are the 4 forms of Body Lang?
movement, gestures, eye contact, personal apperance
Citation of the Internet?
Title of internet doc.; Author responsible for doc.; Date doc. published; Web address; Date you accessed web
What are the 5 special occasion speech?
Introductory, Presentation, Acceptance, Commemorative, & After-Diner
What is plagrism?
Taking credit for sum1 else work OR Submitting sum1 else work as yours
4 Basic methods of Delivery & Characteritics
Verbatum (read from paper); Rehearse the speech aloud; recite from memory
What are the METHODS of Introduction?
use a quote, ask a question, use humor, tell a story, visual aid, arouse curosity
What are 3 types of plargism?
Patchwork, and
Define 3 types of plargism.
Global takes entire speech, Patchwork takes several amounts and combine into one, & incremental takes little pieces from everywhere
What makes an EFFECTIVE conclusion?
End on a strong note,

reemphasize the main points, creates a final impressison
PURPOSE of a conclusion?
Signal the end of a speech, reinforce main points to the audience
What are the 6 elements of VOICE CONTROL?
Explain the 6 elements of VOICE CONTROL.
VLME-controls impact of message; PSUE- contributes to spkrs impact & used to signal end of thought; PTCH- high/low in spkr voice, used to emphasize points; PRONC- how words are phonetically spoken;

ARTIC-how CRISP and distinct speech sounds are formed

DLCT-accent grammically spoken in a particular region or ethic

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