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Japans 603


undefined, object
copy deck
zure (ずれ)
aberration, discrepancy, a lag
zuburi to sasu (ずぶりと刺す)
to stab through, to thrust into, to stick [a needle] into
zuibunna (随分な)
cruel, horrid
zukezuke iu (ずけずけ言う)
to speak out, to do not mince one's words
zuhitsu (随筆)
an essay, stray notes
hone no zui made (骨の髄まで)
to the core, to the marrow of one's bones
zuikōin (随行員)
a suite, (a suite of) attendants
zui (髄)
the marrow, the pith
zuii no (随意の)
free, voluntary, optional
zugai (頭蓋)
the cranium
zutsūyaku (頭痛薬)
a headache tablet
zushin (ずしん)
plunk, plonk, thud, thunk
zumen (図面)
a drawing, a sketch, a plan
zubutoi (図太い)
audacious, impudent, bold
zuru (ずる)
a trick, foul play; a dodger
zuruyasumi o suru (ずる休みをする)
to play truant, to cut a lecture
zugaikotsu (頭蓋骨)
the skull
zuhō (図法)
drawing, projection
zukai (図解)
an illustration, an explanatory diagram
zukizuki suru (ずきずきする)
to sting, to throb with pain, to have a throbbing pain
zutto (ずっと)
(by) far, long (since), long ago; direct(ly), straight; all the time, (all) through, throughout
zuihōshō (瑞宝章)
the Order of the Sacred Treasure
zūtai no ōkii (図体の大きい)
big, bulky
sedai no zure (世代のずれ)
a generation gap
zuiin (随員)
zuihan (随伴)
accompanying ~, concomitant ~
zukezuke (ずけずけ)
frankly, without reserve
zundō (寸胴)
no waist
zuiki (芋茎)
a stem of the taro
zushi suru (図示する)
to illustrate
zuijini (随時に)
from time to time, on occasion, at any time
zuruzurubettari ni naru (ずるずるべったりになる)
to stay on, to remain as it is
zūzūshii (図々しい)
impudent, audacious
zuikō (随行)
attendance [on a journey]
zurari to inarabu (ずらりと居並ぶ)
to be lined up
chimitsuna zunō (緻密な頭脳)
a close head
zūzūshisa (図々しさ)
audacity, impudence
zukō (図工)
drawing and manual arts
zureru (ずれる)
[物が] to shift, [感覚が] to become out of focus
sanmanna zunō (散漫な頭脳)
a loose head
zunōshūdan (頭脳集団)
a think tank/factory
zukazuka (ずかずか)
straight, without leave, without ceremony
zuii ni (随意に)
freely, at will, voluntarily
zuhyō o kaku (図表をかく)
to chart
zuru o suru (ずるをする)
to cheat, to play foul
zuru (ずる)
to slide, to slip down, to shift
zunōryūshutsu (頭脳流出)
a brain drain
zukku (ズック)
canvas [shoes]
zutazuta ni saku (ずたずたに裂く)
to tear to pieces
zuga (図画)
drawing, a picture, a drawing
zunukete (図抜けて)
by far, exceptionally, out of the common
zurari to (ずらりと)
in a row/line
zuikō suru (随行する)
to attend, to accompany
zutsū (頭痛)
a headache
zuhan (図版)
an illustration, a plate
zurukeru (ずるける)
to be idle, to shirk one's duty, to play truant
zuiichi no (随一の)
the best, the greatest
zujō ni (頭上に)
upon the head, over the head, overhead
zuriochiru (ずり落ちる)
to work down, to slip down, to slide down
zurasu (ずらす)
to work down, to shift, to move; to stagger [office hours]
zutsū no tane (頭痛の種)
a source of anxiety
zushiki (図式)
a diagram, a graph, a scheme
zuruzuru hikizuru (ずるずる引きずる)
to drag along, to trail
zutazuta ni kiru (ずたずたに切る)
to cut to pieces
zuhyō (図表)
a chart, a diagram
zusanna (杜撰な)
careless, slipshod, faulty, imperfect
zurakaru (ずらかる)
to run away, to escape, to flee
zunō (頭脳)
brains, a head
zūzūshiku mo ~ suru (図々しくも~する)
to have the face to do, to have the cheek to do, to have the impudence to do
zuruzuru suberu (ずるずる滑る)
zuhyō o kaku (図表をかく)
to chart
zukei (図形)
a figure
zuisho ni (随所に)
everywhere, anywhere, here and there
zukan (図鑑)
an illustrated book
zuiikin (随意筋)
a voluntary muscle
zutazutani (ずたずたに)
to pieces, in pieces, into shreds
sūgakutekina zunō o motsu (数学的な頭脳をもつ)
to have a mathematical brain
zurui (狡い)
cunning, sly, crafty
zuihitsuka (随筆家)
an essayist
zuibun (随分)
fairly, pretty; extremely, quite, very (much)
zuruyasumi suru seito (ずる休みする生徒)
a truant
zuii de aru (随意である)
to be at liberty, [It is] up to one to do
zunguri shita (ずんぐりした)
thickset, stocky, podgy
zuisō (随想)
occasional thoughts, stray thoughts
zunōrōdōsha (頭脳労働者)
a brainworker
zukai suru (図解する)
to illustrate

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