Sociology: Socialization
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- psychological, social, and cultural aspects of maleness and femaleness
- gender
- biological maleness or femaleness
- sex
- grouping of students into different curricular programs, or tracks, based on an assessment of their academic abilities
- Tracking
- Essential Aspect of who wer are, consisting of our sense of self, gender, race, ethnicity, and religion
- Identity
- the control of mating to ensure that "defective" genes of troublesome individuals will not e passed on to future generations
- Eugenics
- process thorugh which one learns how to act according to the rules and expectations of a particular culture
- Socialization
- process through which people acquire the values and orientations found in statuses they will likely enter in the future
- anticipatory socialization
- culture in which personal accomplishments are less important i the formation of identity than group membership
- collectivist culture
- stage in development of self during which a child acquires the ability to take the role of a group or community and to conform his or her behavior to broad, societal expectations
- game stage
- stage in the development of self during which a child develops the ability to take a role but only form the perspective of one person at a time
- play stage
- sense of who we are that is defined by incorporating the reflected appraisals of others
- looking-glass self
- culture in which personal accomplishments are a more important component of one's self-concept than a group membership
- individualist culture
- process of learning new values, norms, and expectations when an adult leaves and old role and enters a new one
- resocialization
- place where individuals are cut off from the wider society for an appreciable period and where together they lead and enclosed, formally administered life
- total institution
- unique set of traits,behaviors, and attitudes, that distinguishes one person form the next; the active source and passive object of behavior
- self
- various individuals, groups, and organizations who influence the socialization process
- agents of socialization
- perpective of the larger society and its constituent values and attitudes
- generalized other
- behavior in which the person initiating an action is the same as the person toward whom the action is directed
- reflexive behavior
- ability to see oneself from the perspective of others and to use that perspective in formulating one's own behavior
- role taking
- statement designed to explain unanticipated, embarrassing, or unacceptable behavior after the behavior has occurred
- account
- action taken to restore and identity that has been damaged
- aligning action
- area of social interaction away form the view of an audience, where people can rehearse and rehash their behavior
- back stage
- gently persuading someone who has lost face to accept a less desirable but still reasonable alternative identity
- cooling out
- assertion designed to forestall any complaints or negative reactions to a behavior or statement that is about to occur
- disclaimer
- sutudy of social interaction as theater in which peope ("actors") project images ("play roles") in form of others ("audiences")
- dramaturgy
- spontaneous feeling that is experienced when the identity someone is presenting is suddenly and unexpectedly discredited in form of others
- embarrassment
- area of social interaction where people perform and work to maintain appropriate impressions
- front stage
- the process by which we define others based on observable cues such as age, ascribes status characteristics such as race and gender, individual attributes such as physical appearance, and verbal and nonverbal expressions
- impression formation
- at of presenting a favorable public image of oneself so that others will form positive judgements
- impression management
- set of indiiduals who cooperate in staging a performance that leads an audience to form an impression of one or all team members
- performance team
- deeply discrediting characteristic that is viewed as an obstacle to competent or morally trustworthy behavior
- stigma
- marriage within one's social group
- endogamy
- marriage outside one's social group
- exogamy
- family unit consisting of the parent-child nuclear family and other relatives such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins
- extended family
- two or more persons, including the householder, who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption, and who live together as one household
- Family
- living arrangement composed of one or more people who occupy a housing unit
- household
- the practice of being married to only one person at a time
- monogamy
- living arrangements in which a married couple sets up residence separate from either spouse's family
- neolocal residence
- family unit consisting of at least one parent and one child
- nuclear family
- marriage of one person to more than one spouse at the same time
- polygamy
- approach to defining deviance that rests on the assumption that all human behavior can be considered either inherently good or inherently bad
- absolutism
- official definition of an act of deviance as a crime
- Criminalization
- Theory of deviance positing that people will be prevented from engaging in deviant acts i f they judge the costs of such an act to outweigh its benefits
- Deterrence Theory
- Behavior, ideas, or attributes of an individual or group that some people in society find offensive
- Deviance
- Theory stating that deviance is the consequence of the application of rules and sanctions to an offender, a deviant is an individual to whom the identity, "deviant" has been successfully applied
- Labeling Theory
- Definition of behavior as a medical problem and mandating the medical profession to provide some kind of treatment for it
- Medicalization
- Approach to defining deviance that rests on the assumption that deviance is socially created by collective human judgements and ideas
- Relativism
- large hierarchical organization governed by formal rules and regulations and having clearly specified work tasks
- bureaucracy
- subdivision of low-level jobs into small, highly specific tasks, requiring less skilled employees
- de-skilling
- specialization of different people or groups in different tasks, characteristic of most bureaucracies
- division of labor
- tendency for people to refrain from contributing to the common good when a resource is available without requiring any personal cost or contribution
- free rider problem
- ranking of people or tasks in a bureaucracy from those at the top, where there is a great deal of power and authority, to those at the bottom, where there is very little power and authority
- hierarchy of authority
- process by which the characteristics and principles of the fast-food restaurant come to dominate other areas of social life
- McDonaldization
- company that has manufacturing productioin, and marketing divisions in multiple countries
- multinational corporation
- a system of authority in which many people are ruled by a privileged few
- oligarchy
- potential for a society's long term ruin because of individual's tendency to pursue their own short-term interests
- social dilemna
- framework of society-social institutions, organizations, groups, statuses and roles, cultural beliefs, and institutionalized norms- which adds order and perceptibility to our private lives
- social structure
- situation in which people acting individually and in their own interest use up commonly available (but limited) resources, creating disaster for the entire community
- tragedy of the commons
- percentage of people whose income falls below the poverty line
- poverty rate
- group of people who share a similar economic position in a society, based on their wealth and income
- social class
- movement of people or groups from one class to another
- social mobility