spelling 0506
undefined, object
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- a fortiori
- for a still stronger reason; all the more
- abracadabra
- a magical charm or incantation having the power to ward off disease or disaster
- aerate
- to suply or charge with a gas, especially CO2
- Alamogordo
- a city of south central New-Mexico northeast of Las Crucs; site of first atomic bombing
- alto clef
- the C clef positiond to indicat that the third line from the bottom of a stff represents the pitch of middle C
- anagram
- a word or phrase formed by reordering the letters of another word or phrase
- anamnesis
- a recalling to memory; recollection
- ancylosotmiasis
- a disease caused by hookworm infestation
- anemochory
- dispersal of seeds, fruits, or other plant parts
- anion
- a negatively charged ion
- aperture
- an opening, such as a hole, gap, or slit
- appoggiatura
- an embellishing note, ususally one step above or below the note it precedes and indicated by a mall note or special sign
- atomism
- the ancient theory of Democritus, Epicurus, and Lucretius, according to which simple, minute, indiviible, and indestructibele particles are the basic components of the entire universe
- bagasse
- the dry, fibrous residue remaining after the extraction of juie from the crushed stalks of sugar cane, used as a source of cellulose for some paper products
- balmacaan
- a loose, full overcoat with ragla sleeves, originally made of rought woolen cloth
- banausic
- merely mechanical; routine
- beau ideal
- the concept of perfect beauty
- bedlamite
- a mentally ill person
- bel esprit
- a cultivated, highly intelligent person
- bijouterie
- a collection of trinkets or jewelry
- biparous
- producing two offspring in a single birth
- bonhomie
- a pleasant and affable disposition; geniality
- calyx
- the sepals of a flower considered as a group; a uplike structure or organ, such as one of the cuplike divisions of the pelvis or of the kidney
- carom
- a collision followed by a rebound; a s hot in billiards in which the cue ball successively strikes two other balls
- cassoulet
- a casserole of white beans, various meats, vegetables, and herbs, slowly simmered or baked in a slow oven
- castanet
- a rhythm instrument consisting of a pair of slightly concave shells of iviry or hardwood held in the palm of the hand by a connecting cord over the thumb and clapped tgether with the fingers
- causerie
- an informal discussion or chat, especially of an intellectual nature
- cambalo
- a harpsichord
- cenacle
- a clique or circle especially of writers; a small dining room usually on an upper floor
- cephalic
- of or relating to the head
- chanterelle
- an edible mushroom that is yellow to orange in color, trumpet-shped, and sometimes fragrant
- chloasma
- a patchy brown or dark brown skin discoloration that usually occurs on a woman's face and may result from hormonal changes, as in pregnancy
- chrestomathy
- a selection of literary passages, usually by one author
- compleat
- of or characterized by a highly developed or wide-ranging skill or proficiency
- concrescence
- the growing together of relate parts, tissues, or cells
- connubial
- relating to marriage or the married state; conjugal
- crenate
- having a margin with low, rounded or scallope projctions
- cruet
- a small glass bottle for holding a condiment such as vinegar or oil, at the table; a small vessel for holy water or for wather or wine used in the consecration ofthe Eucharist
- cuesta
- a ridge with a gentl slope on one side an a cliff on the other
- cystectomy
- surgical removal of a cyst
- daedal
- ingenious and complex in design or function; intricate
- daguerreotype
- an early photographic process withthe image made on a light-sensitive silver-coated metallic plate
- Darfur
- a region and former sultanate of western Sudan. occupied since prehistoic times, the area fell to the Egyptians in 1874 and later to the British, who incorporated it into their holdings in the Sudan
- decalcomania
- the process of transferring pictures or designs printed on specially prepared paper to materials such as glass or metal
- decumbent
- lying down; reclining
- defenestrate
- to throw out of a window
- denizen
- an inhbitant; a resident; one that frequnts a particular place
- denticulate
- finely toothed or notched; minutely dentate
- dentifrice
- a substance, such as a paste or powder, for cleaning the teeth
- desipramine
- a tricylic antidepressant used in teh treatment of psychological depression
- deuteranopia
- a form of colorblindness characterized by insensitivity to green
- diaphanous
- of such fine texture as to be transparent or translucent
- dilettante
- a dabbler in art or a field of knowledge
- dissolute
- lacking moral restraint; induging in ssensual pleasures or vices
- drmatis personae
- the characters in a play or story
- drogue
- a drag, usually a canas-covered conical frame, floating behind a vessel to prevent drifting or to maintain a heading into the wind
- dubiety
- the feeling of doubt that often results in wavering
- dulcimer
- an instrument with wire strings of graduated lenghts stretched over a sound box, played by striking with two padded hammers of by plucking
- dybbuk
- in Jewish folklore, the wandering sould of a dead person that enters teh body of a living person and controls his or her behavior
- ecchymosis
- the passage of blood form ruptured blood vessels into subcutaneous tissue, marked by a purple discoloration of the skin
- echolocation
- a sensory system in certain animals, such as bats and dolphins in which usually high-pitched sounds are emitted and their echoes interpreted to determine the direction and distance of objects
- efferent
- directed away form a central organ or section; carrying impulses from the central nervous system to an effector
- effete
- depleted of vitality, force, or effectiveness; exhausted
- efficacious
- producing or capable of producing a desired effect
- emolument
- payment for an office or employment; compensation
- empennage
- the tail of an airlane
- equinoctial
- relating to an equinox; relating to the celestial equator
- equitation
- the art and practice of riding a horse
- escarpment
- a steep slope or long cliff that results from erosion or faulting and separates too relatively level aras of differing elevations
- esatminet
- a small cafe
- exodontics
- the dental speciality that deals with extraction of teeth
- exsanginate
- to drain of blood
- exscind
- to cut out; excise
- exsiccate
- to dry up or cause to dry up
- extirpate
- to pull up by the roots; to destroy totaly ; exterminate
- facetiae
- witty or humorous writings and syaings
- falcate
- curved and tapering to a point; sickle-shaped
- farandole
- a spirited circle dance of Provencal derivatio
- farinaceous
- made from, rich in, or consisting of starch
- fecundity
- the quality or power of producing abundantly; fertility
- felicitous
- admirably suited; apt
- fieri facias
- a writ of execution authorizing a sheriff to lay a claim toand sieze the goods and chatels of a debtor to fufill a judgement against the debtor
- fissipalmate
- having loved or partially webbed separated toes, asin the feet of certain birds
- fluvial
- of, relating to, or inhabiting a river or stream
- foudroyant
- dazzling or stunning ineffect; occurring suddenly and severely
- fulguration
- to emit flashesof lightning
- galimaufry
- a jumble; a hodgepodge
- gambado
- a low leap of a horse in which all four feet are off the ground
- gimmal
- a ring made of two or more interlocked rings
- globose
- sphercal; globular