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- Balance
- arranges visual elements in a work of art equally;if a work of art has this visually,the viewer feels the elements have been arranged in a satisfying way;if not the viewer may feel the elements need to be rearranged; there are two types: formal(symetrical
- Color
derived from reflected ligh; it has three properties; hue, value, and intensity
- Form
three-dimensional and encloses space;it is either free-form or geometric
- Line
- continuous mark made on a surface with a pointed, moving tool;they vary in lengh,width, textures, direction, and degree of curve
- Rhythm
- repeats elements to create the illsusion of movement; visual percieved through the eyes,and is created by repeating positive spaces seperated by negative spaces
- Space
- refers to the emptiness or area betwee,around,above,below,or within objects
- Texture
- refers to how thingsfeel or how they look like they migh feel if touched
- Unity
- allows the viewer to see a combonation of elements, principles, and media as a whole;if is created by harmony, simplicity, reptition, proximity, and continuation
- Value
- deals with the darkness of lightness; how much surface light is reflected; it is also one of the three properties of color
- Variety
- concerned with a difference or contrast