Heart and Thorax
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- what are the strings that attact to the papillary muscles that keep the valves closed
- the cordae tendineae
- what is the indentation of the inner wall of the right atrium that used to be a passageway btwn the two atria as a fetus?
- the fossa ovalis
- what is the connective tissue between the pulmonary vessels and the aorta that used to connect them in a fetus?
- the ligamentum arteriosum
- what turns in to the ligamentum arteriosum?
- the ductus arteriosum
- what turns into the fossa ovalis?
- foramen ovale (passageway thru artia)
- what turns into the ligamentum teres?
- the ductus venosus (duct thru liver)
- what is do the coronary arteries supply?
- the heart muscles
- where do the two coronary arteries (the left and right) branch off of?
- the aorta
- what are the branches of the left coronary artery?
the left anterior descending artery (LAD)
circumflex artery - what are the two branches of the right coronary artery?
the posterior interventricular artery
and marginal artery - what coronary artery supplies the anterior intventricular portion of the heart?
- the LAD
- what artery supplies the left lateral side of the left ventricle?
- the cicumflex artery
- what coronary artery supplies the right lateral side of the heart>
- the marginal artery
- where is the great cardiac vein found?
- with the LAD
- what innervates the cardiac muscles?
- Purkinje fibers
- what coronary artery supplies the posterior side of the heart?
- the posterior interventricular artery
- where is the middle cardiac vein found?
- with the posterior interventricular artery
- where is the Sinoatrial (S-A) node found?
- in the wall of the right atrium
- where is the coronary sinus found and where does it drain?
- between the atria and drains to the right atrium
- where does the impulse from the S-A node spread down to?
- to the atrioventricular node (AV)
- where is the AV node found?
- between the right atrium and ventricle
- what is the pathway of the cardiac impulse?
- SA node--AV node--Bundle of His--Bundle branches (L and R)--Purkinje fibers
- what artery supplies the SA and AV nodes?
- the right coronary artery
- what CN functions with the parasympathetic system to decrease the heart rate?
- CN X
- what muscles decrease the dimensions of the thorax?
- int. intercostals
- where are the external intercostals located?
- in the intercostal spaces (run INFEROMEDIALLY)
- what is the function and innervation of the external intercostals?
they function during inspiration, elevating the ribs
innervated by the intercostal nerves - what muscles are located deep to the external intercostals and which direction do they run in?
internal intercostals
INFEROLATERALLY - what is the function and innervation of the internal intercostals?
function during forced expiration (depress ribs)
innervated by intercostal nerves - what muscles increase the anteroposterior and lateral dimensions of the thorax?
- the ext. intercostals
- where does the diaphram originate and insert into?
O: xiphiod process, lower 6 ribs, upper two vertebrae
I: Central tendon lthe formas a musculo fibrous sheet that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities - what separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities?
- the diaphram
- what muscles contracts and increases the vertical dimension of the thorax during inspiration?
- the diaphragm
- what passes through the diaphragm?
- the esophagus, inferior vena cava, and the aorta
- what accessory muscles function during active inspiration?
- the sternocleidomastoid, scalenes and pectoralis minor
- what accessory muscles function during forced expiration?
- the abdominal muscles (and int. intercostals)
- what is located with in the mediastinum?
- the heart
- which direction is the apex of the heart oriented in?
- downward and to the left
- what is the outer layer of the pericardium?
- fibrous pericardium
- what is the inner layer of the pericardium?
- serous pericardium
- what are the two layers of the pericardium?
- fibrous and serous pericardium layers
- what chamber of the heart does the deoxygenated blood enter through?
- the right atrium
- what two vessels enter the right atrium?
- the superior and inferior vena cava
- what valve is found at the base of the aorta?
- the aortic semilunar
- what valve is between the right atrium and ventricle?
- the right atrioventricular or TRICUSPID valve
- what valve is located btwn the left atrium and ventricle?
- the left atrioventricular or BICUSID valve
- what is another name for the bicusid valve?
- the mitral valve
- what are the two semilunar valves?
- the pulmonary and aortic
- what are the two septa of the heart?
- artial and ventricular
- what are the three sulci of the heart?
- the coronary and anterior and posterior intervertricular sulci
- what type of muscle is found in the ventricular walls?
- trabeculae carnae
- what muscles are attached to the chordae tendinae?
- papillary muscles
- what is the function of the papillary muscles?
- they keep the valves closed
- where do the anterior intercostal arteries branch off of?
- the internal thoracic artery
- where do the posterior thoracic arteries branch off of?
- from the aorta
- which veins empty into an azygos system of veins and join the superior vena cava?
- the posterior intercostal veins
- which great vessel does the posterior intercostal veins enter after joining the azygos venous system?
- the superior vena cava
- where do the anterior intercostals empty into and where do those veins enter the central venous system?
- they empty into the internal thoracic veins and then drain into either the superior vena cava or the brachiocephalic veins
- what nerves innervate the thoracic wall?
- the ventral rami of T1-T12
- what is another name for T12?
- the subcostal nerve
- where is the thoracic nerves found?
- they course with the internal costal artery and vein along the INFERIOR border of the rib
- what parts of the thoracic wall do T1-T12 innervate?
- intercostals, cutaneal nerves, sympethetic nerves
- what innervates the diaphragm?
- the phrenic nerve (C3-5) and peripheral afferents from the lower intercostal nerves
- what are the two parts of the respiratory system?
- conducting, and respiratory segments
- what is another word for the nostils?
- external nares
- what is the alae?
- the "wing part of the nostril (outside portion)
- what makes the nasal septum?
- the ethmoid bone, vomer bone and cartilage
- what two concha are part of the ethmoid bone and what one is its own bone>
the superior and middle --ethmoid
inferior--separate - what is the function of the conducting segment of the system?
- warm, clean, and humidify the air
- what three parts make up the interior lining of the nasal cavity?
- mucus membrane, vasculas plexus, olfactory mucosa
- what is bound to the periosteum and perichondrium of the supporting bones and cartilage of the bone?
- nasal mucosa
- what is the mucus membrane continuous with in the respiratory system?
- lining of communicating nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, lacrimal sac and conjunctiva
- what are the choanae?
- paired openings between the nasal cavity and nasal pharynx
- what is another word for the pharyngeal tonsils?
- adenoids
- where is the nasopharynx found?
- behind the nose
- where is the oropharynx found?
- in the mouth
- what makes up the oropharynx?
- palatine tonsils, lingual tonsils
- what provides protection for the voice and allows the speech muscle to connect to it>
- the larynx
- what are the four cartilages in the larynx?
-arytenoids - what is the only complete ring found in the airway?
- the cricoid
- what cartilage is pyramid like and serves as attachments for the vocal cords?
- arytenoids
- what is another word for hte false vocal cords?
- vertricular folds
- where are the false vocal cords found in respect to the true?
- outside of the true
- what is the name for the space at the gase of the tongue anterior to the epiglottis?
- vallecula
- what laryngeal muscles move muscle that give speech?
- the intrinsic
- which laryngeal muscles move the muscles of the larynx (speech swallowing etc.)
- extrinsic muscles
- what is a series of "C" shaped cartilages that extends from the larynx till it spilts in two?
- the trachea
- what is the name of the smooth muscle tht connects the two ends of the cartilage?
- trachealis
- what ligaments connect the cartilages of the trachea?
- the annular ligaments
- where does the trachea bifurcate?
- at T5
- what is another name for T5 where the trachea bifurcates?
- carnia
- what is the most sensitive area of the treaobronchial tree
- the place where the trachea bifurcates at T5 (carina)
- what is the smooth serous lining of the thoracic cavity and surface of the lung?
- the pleura
- what part of the pleura surrounds each lung?
- the visceral pleura
- what part of the pleura covers the outer portions, the ribs, diaphragm, and mideastinum?
- the parietal pleura
- where is the plural cavity found?
- between the visceral and parietal pleurae
- what are the two pleural recesses?
the costaldiaphragmic (lower corner of lungs)
the mediastinal (anteriorly) - which lung has three lobes?
- the right lobe
- what are the fissures of the right lobe?
- horizontal and oblique
- what are the fissures of the left lobe?
- the oblique
- how many lobes are on the left lobe?
- two
- what is found within the hilus of the lungs?
- the bronchus, pulmonary artery and veins, and bronchial arteries and veins
- which bronchi enter the lungs?
- the primary (bifurcation of the trachea)
- what bronchi supply their respective lobes?
- the secondary bronchi
- what are the two kinds of primary bronchi?
- right and left
- what are the secondary bronchi found off of the right bronchi?
- superior, middle, inferior lobar bronchi
- what are the secondary bronchi on the left?
- superior and inferior lobar brochi
- which bronchi supply the bronchoplumonary segements?
- tertiary (segmental) bronchi
- what are the pyramid shaped segments of the lung with its apex at the root of the lung and its base at the pleural surface?
- bronchopulmonary segments
- what is the name for the branches beyond the tertiary bronchi? How many generations are there?
20-25 - where is the first bronchi to not have cartilage?
- the bronchiole
- instead of cartilage, what surronds the bronchioles?
- smooth muscle
- what are branches of terminal bronchioles?
- respiratory bronchioles?
- where does the respiratory segment begin?
- at the respiratory bronchioles
- how many layer of epitheleal cells make up the aveoli?
- one
- what are the two cells types that form alveoli?
- type 1 and 2
- what alveolar cell forms a border with a capillary? (95%)
- type1
- what alveolar cell makes surfactant, achemical that reduces surface tension... so that the sac does not collapse?
- type 2
- where does O2 and CO2 exchange btwn lungs and capillaries occur?
- in the alveoli
- what is the path of the deoxygenated blood to the alveoli?
- right ventricle--plumonary artery--pulmonary arteriole--capillary
- what is the path that the oxygenated blood takes back to the heart from the alveoli?
- pulmonary venule--pulmonary vein--left atrium
- what allows the alveoli to expand with inspiration and passively recoil with expiration?
- the elastic fibers
- how many alveoli are found in 1 lung?
300 million
140 m2 - which vessel carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart? What chamber does it enter?
the pulmunary vein
left atrium - Through which chamber to which vessel does the deoxygenated blood travel?
- from right ventricle to pulmunary artery
- which of the two primary bronchi is shorter and wider?
- the right
- what valve is found at the base of the pulmonary vein?
- the pulmonary semilunar valve
- what is systole?
- Contraction
- what is diastily?
- relaxation of the heart chamber