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The Physical World 12: Energy and Momentum: Vocabulary


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the principles that govern the way matter and energy are interchanged, showing that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed
conservation principles
the energy that an object has because of its motion or its potential to move
mechanical energy
energy stored in a magnet and its surrounding fields
magnetic energy
the transportation of thermal energy without the use of matter
the SI unit of energy, which is equal to 1 Newton-meter of work
joule (J)
the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
nuclear energy
energy that is stored in the position of electrons in an atom
chemical energy
mass multiplied by velocity
the ability to do work
the total energy of the particles in an object related to the motion of the molecules or ions in matter
thermal energy
energy associated with the flow of charged particles through a conductor
electrical energy
using the force of light waves to propel objects through space
solar sailing
In all chemical and physical changes, matter is neither created nor destroyed.
Law of Mass Conservation
energy produced by vibrating matter and transmitted through a medium
sound energy
the energy of motion
kinetic energy
process used by plants to convert light energy into chemical energy
the energy of position (stored energy)
potential energy

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