undefined, object
copy deck
- reduction
- chemiclereaction that reduces permanent wave
- soft curl permanent wave
- used to make existing curl bigger
- residue
- somthing that remains after a part is removed
- agt ammonium thioglycolate acid
- ph 10 relaxer pre shampoo
- Authority
- the right to controll
- Anterior
- in front of
- posterior
- behind
- superior
- above
- inferior
- below
- anatomy
- study of the gross structure of the body
- physiology
- study of the functions of the body
- histology
- study of the minute structures of the body
- tricology
- study of the hair
- consulation
- a conference where advice is given
- area
- an open space
- assess
- to estimate
- assume
- without proof
- cicatrix
- scare
- bromhidrosis
- foul smelling perspiration
- macule
- freckle
- nevus
- birthmark
- keloid
- excessive scar tissue
- vesicle
- blister
- bulla
- large blister
- carbuncle
- large boil
- pliable
- moveable
- cortex
- middle layer of the hair
- amino acids
- units of structure of protein
- peptide bonds
- chemicle bonds that join amino acids
- polypeptide bonds
- many chains of chemical bonds
- side bonds
- cross bonds
- disulfide bonds
- formed between two cysteine acids
- salt bonds
- opposite electrical charges
- hydrogen bonds
- weak bonds, attraction between opposite electrical charges
- texture
- diameter of the hair, fine , medium, coarse
- anagen
- growth cycle
- catagen
- rest cycle
- telogen
- coming out
- alopecia
- boldness
- terminal hair
- the hair found on your head
- canities
- gray hair
- hypertrichosis
- split hair ends
- trichorrhexis nodosa
- split hair ends half way through the strand
- monilethrix
- beaded hair
- Surfactant
- adetengent
- contaminants
- somthing that can be spread (lice)
- sterilization
- kills every bad organism on the item your sterilizing
- disinfection
- controlls microorganisms on hard surfaces
- osha
- occupational safety and health adminisstation
- antiseptic
- antiseptic kill backteria on your skin
- disinfectant
- kills bacteria on surfaces
- pitariasis
- dandruft
- Emollient
- is like a conditioner
- Humectant
- attracts moisture from the air
- pityrisais
- dandruft
- pityriasis steatoids
- oily dandruft
- pediculosis capitus
- head lice
- onycorrhexis
- is split or brittle nails
- tinea
- ring worm
- analyze
- someones hair is to examine it carfully
- onycomysosis
- ring worm of the nail
- onycosis
- any nail disorder
- onycophagy
- is betten nails
- base
- cream used to protect the scalp
- oxidation
- chemical reaction
- lye
- sodium hydroxide stronger relaxer
- viscasity
- the thinkness of something