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American History Chapter 9


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Roger Taney
Supreme Court chief justice
Alexis de Tocqueville
Democracy in America
Samuel Slater
established America's first factory
Richard Allen
African Methodist Episcopal Church
a personal moral quality associated with women
John O'Sullivan
coined the term "manifest destiny"
cult of domesticity
a celebration of the home
Charles G. Finney
preacher in New York
a charted entity that has rights and liabilities distinct from those of its members
Josephine Baker
Lowell factory worker
slave coffles
groups chained together while migrating to the Deep South
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Robert Fulton
steamboat innovator
a literary and philosophical movement
American system of manufactures
mass production of interchangeable parts
John Jacob Astor
self-made millionaire
cotton gin
revolutionized American slavery
Commonwealth v. Hunt
a decree that labor organization was legal
Second Great Awakening
religious revival
manifest destiny
a belief that American expansion was divinely appointed

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