Ch.11 Test
Stupid test!!
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- Timber Culture Act
- to increase # of trees on the land,160 acres of land free if you plant 10 trees after 8 yrs prove 675 living trees the land was yours-1875
- blizzard
- 4 disasters & hardships by early farmers of Dakota#1
- T
- selling dakota was a big concern to RR's
- learn to read
- #3
- T
- during the boom yrs there population grew from 16,000-190,000
- Drift Prairie
- ~*~#2
- Missouri Plateau
- ~*~#3
- Norway
- 2 biggest Eropean groups were from?#1
- school
- what institution was responsible for"Americanizing"immigrant childern?
- claim shanty
- 10 x 12 ft. also called a tarpaper shack
- general store
- store that sold everything
- Canada
- where pamphlets sent to?#1
- 1878-1890
- boom yrs for pop.growth in Northern Dakota
- supplies
- 3 reasons families went to town#1
- F
- the largest # came from South America & France
- Preemption Act
- get 160 acres/1.25 per acre if you didn't own 360 acres somewhere else-1841
- log cabin
- could be built if near a wooded area
- Germans from Russia
- ~*~#2
- family record book
- 3 uses for the Bible#1
- Homestead Act
- 1862-passed by congress 160 acres of land lived on it for 5 yrs & start farming its fee's paid
- 1000%
- the population of Dakota had grown by what percent?
- 43%
- what % of the population was foreign born?
- grain elevator
- what structure became the most distinctive feature of Dakota?
- dugout
- could be built in a steep bank of a river
- great land
- the pamphlets to of that in dakota?
- Eastern States
- ~*~#3
- Resources of Dakota
- Territorial gov. published a book called_it was 500 pgs it told people fertile soil free land and healthful climate
- drought
- #4
- religious purposes
- #2
- immigrant
- RR's ran_trains to ND
- Federal land polocies
- what enticed settlers?#1
- prairie fires
- #3
- sod house
- most common home built on the open prairie
- entertainment
- #3
- settlers
- RR's brought_to ND
- promotional literture
- ~*~#2
- professional services
- #2
- James B. Power
- land agent of N.P
- Red River Valley
- most to least settled area#1
- specialist store
- store that sold only certain things
- Northern Eupopean Counrties
- ~*~#2
- frame house
- made of lumber,stud walls and sliding
- 1890
- in what yr was the pop. boom over?
- F
- the promotional literture & federal land polocies didn't work
- extreme cold
- #2