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world history exam


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document outlining the fundamental lawas and principles that govern a nation
the real head of the government in britian
prime minister
protects individuals against unlawful imprisionment
habeaus corpus
merchants and professional people from towns in early england
monarch who started the period known as the restoration
charles II
puritian leader during english civil war
oliver cromwell
monarch during the american revolution
george III
put to death for plotting to kill queen elizabeth
mary, queen of scots
monarch who supported persecution of protestants in the star chamber court
charles I
designed to keep roman catholics from ruling britian
the act of settlement
designed to guarantee the power of parliament, this law forbade the monarch from taking certain actions without parliaments agreement
the english bill of rights
this law guaranteed protection against illegal arrest
the habeaus corpus act
aimed at only protestants, this law granted religious freedom
the act of toleration
this ended the conflict between the colonies and britian
treaty of paris
charles I called parliament into serssion in 1640 bc
scotland was in rebellion and he needed funds for an army
hobbes and locke agreed that
people had first lived in a state of anarchy and then made a social contract
the remnant of the long parliament became known as
a rump parliament
as ruler of england, oliver cromwell did NOT
authorize a new edition of the bible
the tories supported
the hereditary right of james II to rule, until his actions antagonized them
the era of oliver cromwell's rule is known as
the protectorate
the french and indian war was the northern american aspect of
the seven years' war
the federal system of government divided power
between the central (federal) government and the states
the american revolution
inspired people in other nations to revolt against teh privileged classes, put the princile of natural rights into practice, and set up a new relationship between citizens and their government
the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution are known as
the bill of rights
noble who fled france during the revolution and lived in a foreign nation
the urban middle class
person who suppported the old regime
person who criticized society during the enlightment
used by the social, cultural, and political elite to share ideas
adopted by the committee of public safety to meet the danger of invasion
used by napoleon to seize absolute power in france
coup d etat
allowed more men to vote for teh national convention delegates
universal manhood suffrage
lets people register their opinions by voting only yes or no
people loved their country more than their religion
the spirit of the laws
baron de montesquieu
the encyclopedia
denis diderot
two treatises on government
john locke
the social contract
jean jacques rousseau
the class of teh french society that was divided into the bourgeoise, laborers and artisans, and peasants was called
third estate
on july 14, 1789, a mob stormed the bastille, a
hated prision-fortess in paris
montesquieu believed that the best form of government would have
all power shared between two branches of government
the class concerned most about the price of food was the
third estate
the revoulutionay tribunal executed
mostly laborers and peasants
the reign of terror was designed to
suppress all opposition to the convention
the reign of terror ended with the death of
name three reasons that the french people were discontented in the 1700s
the third estate was the only estate paying taxes, they were in debt bc of all their wars, and the third estate had no land
under one title or another, _______________ ruled france as a military dictator from 1799-1814
napoleon bonaparte
the duke of wellington commanded the allied armies at tremedous victory at _______ in 1815
confrence held in austria to settle political and territorial questions arising from the napoleonic wars...
congress of vienna
system of french laws that became the foundation fo many european legal systems
napoleonic code
the period b/t napoleons escape from elba and his defeat
hundred days
alliance signed by great britian, austria, russia, and prussia to protect europe from revolutionary movement
concert of europe
the continental system primarily was designed to
cripple the british economy
seizure of power by force-- how napoleon gained control of france
coup d etat
napoleons invasion of russia was
a result of the czars resumption of trade with great britian
in fighting the french, what were the russians able to use to achiever their military goals??
the russians winter, the strategy of retreat, and the scorched earch policy
french actions in spain led to armed resistance by guerrilla fighters and a long, draining conflict called the
peninsular war
after escaping from exile on elba, napoleon gathered volunteers from the french country side and seized power from _______
king louis xviii
who was the most influential leader at the congress of vienna
prince klemens von
the actions of the congress of vienna helped to generate an independence movement in
south america
as a result of actions taken by the congress of vienna helped to generate an independence movement in
an important aspect of napoleons character was his unwillingness to accept defeat. what action best shows that train?
he returns to france and raises another army

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