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History Vocabulary


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working class
people who work for wages such as factory workers
Decaratin of The Right's o Man and of the Citizen
a statement issued by the French National Assembly in Augut 1789 that all men were "born and remain free and equal in rights"
Latin America
the cultural region including Mexico, the Caribbea, and South America that has been stronly infulenced by Spain and Portugal
an economic and political system based on collective or government wonership
a small farm owner or farm worker
the large organizition hat runs the daily business of government
Industrial Revolution
a group of states or provines under a central governmenta rime whn great technological advnces changed the way goods were made and the ways people lived; it began in England in the 1700's and thenpread throughout Europe and the United States
the extension of a nation's power over other lands by military political or economic means
Reign of Terror
the period 1793-1794 in revolutionary France when suspected traitors beheaded in great numbers
the three social classes into which France was divided before the Frence Revolution including the clerg* te aristocracy and the common people
absolute monarchy
a form of government headed by a ruler, or monarchy,i unlimied power
middle classes
during the industrial revolution the new class of buisness people
a building in which machines used to manufacture goods are located
the overthrow of an existing government and its relacement with another any sudden or very great change
divine right
the belief that a monarchy received authority to rule from Go* and therfore could notbe questioned
a group of states or provinces under a central government
Meiji Restoration
the overthrow of Japan's shogun in 1868 and resortation of power of the emperor Meiji
the class of a society made up of members of noble families usually the most powerful group
a cloth fabric that is either woven or knitted
a person of mixed Native American and Spainsh ancestors

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