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Chapters 19-22


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the study of the relationship betwenn organisms and their enviornment
a parasite that lives inside the host's body
the movement of individuals out of a population
hunter-gatherer lifestyle
a nomadic way of life in which food is found by hunting animals and gathering uncultivated plants, fruits, and shellfish
a parasite that lives on a host but does not enter the host's body
Mating with relatives.
(noun) an organism that lives in or on another and from which it obtains nourishment; one who takes advantage of others without making any useful return
developing countries
A country that is poorly developed, with citizens whos main income is agriculture. "low income nations"
photic zone
the layer of the ocean that receives light
competitive exclusion
the local extinction of a species due to competition
a form of symbiosis in which both organsims benefit from living together
primary succession
the process of sequential replacement of populations in an area that has not previously supported life
tolerance curve
a graph of an organsim's tolerance to a range of an environmental variable
an organism that does not regulate its internal environment
character displacement
evolution of anatomical differences that reduce competition between similar species
secondary compound
a poisonous, irritating, or bad-tasting substance synthesized by plants as a defense mechanism
agricultural revolution
period of history when early humans discovered how to domesticate animals and cultivate certain plants for food
population density
the number of individuals in a population in a given area at a specific time
all the members of a species that live in the same aea and make up a breeding group
When organisms move from one habitat to another to find food or shelter.
density-independent factor
a variable that affects a population size regardless of population density
a species interaction that resembles predation in that one individual is harmed while the other individual benefits
death/mortality rate
the number of deaths occuring in a period of time
the abundant small plant and animal organisms that drift or swim weakly near the surface of a body of water
the physical area in which an organism lives
an animal that carries pollen, such as insects, birds, or bats
biotic factors
a living component of an ecosystem
All the biotic and abiotic organisms in an environment
growth rate
the amount by which a population's size changes in a given time
The spatial distribution of individuals within the population.
abiotic factor
all the non living things in an ecosystem
A state of decrease metabolism.
carrying capacity
The number of individuals of a species the environment can support over a long period of time.
a strategy of moving to another, more favorable habitat
species-area effect
a pattern of species distribution in which larger areas conatain more species than smaller areas do
benthic zone
the ocean bottom
a defense in which one organism resembles another that is dangerous or poisonous
a parasite that lives inside the host's body
the way of life of a species
exponential model
describes a population that increases rapidly after only a few generations
an individual that is captured, killed, and consumed by another individual
secondary succession
the sequential replacement of populations in a disrupted habitat
pioneer species
the first species to colonize a new habitat
all the populations that live in the same habitat and interact with each other
the area on and around Earth where life exists
any animal that lives by preying on other animals
age structure
The disturbution of individuals among different ages in a population.
exponential model
a model of population growth describing a population that increases rapidly after only a few generations
pioneer species
first species to populate an area/colonize a habitat
biotic factor
all the living things in an ecosystem
a defense in which one organism resembles another that is dangerous or poisonous
a state of decreased metabolism
greenhouse effect
warming of the Earth due to the insulating effect of gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and water vapor
birth rate
the number of births occurring in a period of time
organism that supports parasite
An organism that does not regulate it's internal enviornment
the relationship between different species living in close association with one another
intertidal zone
an area along ocean shorelines that is repeatedly covered and uncovered by ocean tides
the physical area in which an organism lives
secondary succession
the sequential replacement of populations in a disrupted habitat
indicates its resistance to change
age structure
the distribution of individuals among different ages in a population
a pattern of species distribution in which larger areas contain more species than smaller areas do
hunter-gatherer lifestyle
a nomadic way of life in which food is found by hunting animals and gathering uncultivated plants, fruits, and shellfish
realized niche
the range of resources and conditions a species actually uses or can tolerate at optimal efficiency
growth rate
The amoud by which the population's sized changes in a given time.
tolerance curve
a graph of an organism's tolerance to a range of an environmental variable
exponential growth
A model of population growth in which the birth and death rates are constant
life expectancy
How long on average an individual is expected to live.
climax community
a stable end point after a predictable series of stages
an individual that captures, kills, and consumes another individual
fundamental niche
The range of conditions that a species can potientially tolerated and range of resources that it can potientially use.
a species with a narrow niche that can tolerate a narrow range of conditions and can use only a few specific resources
the study of the relationship between organisms and their environment
competitive exclusion
local extinction of one species due to competition
oceanic zone
one of two subareas of the pelagic zone
the process of an organism's adjustment to an abiotic factor
the relationship between different species living in close assoiation with one another
secondary compound
a poisonous, irritating, or bad-tasting substance synthesized by plants as a defense mechanism
an organism that uses energy to control its internal environment
species richness
the total number of different species in the community
fundamental niche
the full range of conditions that a species can tolerate and resources it can use
density-dependent factor
a variable related to the density of a population that affects a population size
a species with a narrow niche that can tolerate a narrow range of conditions and can use only a few specific resources
the movement of individuals into a population
the predictable, sequential replacement of populations in an ecosystem
an animal that carries pollen, such as insects, birds, or bats
a relationship between organsims in which one organism benefits from the relationship, while the other neither benefits from nor is harmed by the relationshiop (smiley face & normal face)
a species with a broad niche that can tolerate a wide range of conditions and can use a variety of resources
resource partitioning
among similar species, a pattern of resources in which species reduce their use of shared resources
realized niche
the range of resources and conditions a species actually uses or can tolerate at optimal efficiency; smaller than fundamental niche
density-dependent factor
a variable related to the density of a population that affects population size
an organism that obtains its nutrition at the expense of another
the way of life of a species
resource partitioning
among similar species, a pattern of resource use in which species reduce their use of shared resources
death/mortality rate
the number of deaths occuring in a period of time
results from a fundamental niche overlap - the use of the same limited resource by two or more species
density-independent factor
a variable that affects populations size regardless of population density
the use of the same limited resource by two or more species
a symbiotic relationship whereby one organism/species benefits from the relationship and the other organism is harmed
a species with a broad niche that can tolerate a wide range of conditions and can use a variety of resources
a consumer that eats primary producers
an organism that supports a parasite
climax community
the traditional description of succession is that the community proceeds through a predictable series of stages until it reaches a stable end point...
logistic growth
a model of population growth in which birth and death rates vary with population size and are equal at the carryng capacity
the spactial distribution of individuals in a population
all the members of a species that live in the same area and make up a breeding group
species diversity
an index combining the number and relative abundance of different species in a community
limiting factor
biotic or abiotic factor that restrains the growth of a population
species richness
the number of different species in a community
developed countries
generally industrialized nations with low birth rates, high rates of education and health care, and containing about 20 percent of the world's population
the energy and materials the species needs
a consumer that eats primary producers
all the populations in one area
the gradual sequential regrowth of species in an area
population density
the number of individuals in a population in a given area at a specific time
agricultural revolution
dramatic change in lifestyle
indicates resistance to change
limiting factor
biotic or abiotic factor that restrains the growth of a population
exponential growth
a model of population growth in which the birth and death rates are constant
developed countries
includes all the world's modern, industrailized countries, such as the United States, Japan, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and Russia
survivorship curve
the graph of a species' mortality-rate data
all the biotic and abiotic components of an environment
The energy and materials a species needs
logistic growth
A model of population growth in which birth and death rates vary with population size and are equal at the carrying capacity.
character displacement
evolution of anatomical differences that reduce competition between similar species
abiotic factors
any nonliving component of an ecosystem
primary succession
the process of sequential replecement of populations in an area that has not previously supported life
an aquatic biome found where freshwater streams and rivers flow into the sea; where the tides meet a river current
logistic model
population growth building on the exponential model but accounts for the influence of limiting factors
an organism that uses engergy to control its internal environment
The process of an organisms adjustment to an abiotic factor.
life expectancy
how long, on average, an individual is expected to live
greenhouse effect
warming of the Earth due to the insulating effect of gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and water vapor
A symbiotic relationship in witch both organisms benefit from living together
an ecological relationship in which one organism benefits and the other neither benefits nor is harmed
survivorship curve
the graph of a species' mortality-rate data
developing countries
includes most countries in Asia and all of the countries in Central America, South America, and Africa
the area on and around Earth where life exists
neritic zone
the ocean subarea over teh continential shelf
mating with relatives
birth rate
The number of births occurring in a period of time.
aphotic zone
the ocean layer that receives no light
carrying capacity
the number of individuals of a species that an ecosystem is capable of supporting
logistic model
a population model in which exponential growth is limited by a density-dependent factor.
a parasite that lives on a host but does not enter the host's body
animal hunted or caught for food
movement of individuals out of a population
The movement of individuals into a population.
species diversity
an index that relates to the number of species in the community to the relative abundance of each species

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