music therapy chapters 1-6
undefined, object
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- when NAMT started
- 1950
- moderate
- 2nd grade
- 3 prominant people who established mt programs in institutional sett.
- 1)James L. corning 2) James Whitetaker, 3) George Root
- Auditory Perception Training-identify diffrent types of sound components-cognitive
- Musical Neglect Traning-cognitive
- Speech Stimulation-chants,ryhmes,used for stimulating unforced speech petterns
- preooperational stage
- 2-7
- 3 key areas those with ASD differ from thier peers
- 1)qualitive impairment in social ineraction 2)impairment in verbal and non verbal comm. 3)restricted repetroire of intresets and activities
- TS
- Theraputic singing-speech
- 3 goals for those with physical disabilities
- (1)developmental (2)educational (3)rehablitive
- Vocal Intonation Therapy-speech
- Musical Attention Control Training-congnitive
- 3 components of AAIDD definition of intellectual disabilities
- 1) sub average intellegence (unormally low IQ) 2) limitations in adaptaptive behaviors 3)onset before 18
- concerte stage
- 7-11
- speech-Oral Motor and Respirtory Exercises-breathing in rythym and singing songs to direct air
- Thearaputic instrumental music playing-m
- Musical Mnemonics Training-cognituve
- Musical Sensory Orientation Training -cognitive-uses music as a stimulus to encourage involvement ,attention and arousal
- optimal complexity theory
- Berlyne
- contiguity
- meaning from music that truggers memory
- 6 skill areas MT's work on with phys. disablities
- (1)motor skills 2-cognitive skills 3-social skills 4-emotional skills 5-musical skills 6-comm.skills
- severe and profound
- below 20-25%
- when AAMT strarted
- 1971
- formalstage
- 11-adult
- 4 parts of the IDEA act
- 1)non discrimatory and multidisciplinary assesment 2)IEP 3)parental involvment 4)education in the least restrictive enviorment
- 5 diffrent types of attention
- 1)focused 2)sustained 3)divided 4)shifting 5)selective
- goals for people with ID
- 1)social skills 2)pre-academic skills 3)motor skills
- Associative Mood and Memory Training -cognitive *make em happy so they remeber it
- refentialist view of music
- meaning from musical elements that depict non musical obhects (trill-bird call)
- sensorimotor age
- newborn-2
- fuctions of music
- conform to societys norms, entertainment, validate rituals,aesthetic pleasure,express emotion,represent a symbol,influence on physical response, communication,contrubute to stabllity of society
- Developmental Speech and Language training through Music-using music to grow speech-singing/chants/movement
- Musical Executive Function Training -cognitive *improv and compostion exercises to practice org. skills/planning
- Symbolic Communication through Music -speech -emotional comm,pragmatics,(drum convos)
- Melodic Intonation Therapy-mo
- The journal Eva Vesculius published
- IN Music and health
- theory of expectations
- Leonard Meyer
- mild IQ
- 50-55%
- expressionistic
- meaning from musical structure (cultural expectations)
- 6ht grade
- 3 diffrent ways ti describe physical disablities in children
- (1) cogenetial (during birth) /chronic (2) Acquired-trauma/injuries (3) physical -Ambulatory/non-ambulatory
- moderate IQ
- 35-50%