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Film Midterm


undefined, object
copy deck
Fast Motion
Fewer than 24 frames per second
Racial Formation
The sociohistorical process by which racial categories are created, inhibited, transformed, and destroyed
Imagined Community
Members of even the smallest nation will never know most of their fellow members yet in the mind of each lives the image of their communion
An imagined political community
Extreme Long Shot
Character looks small in relation to the landscape
Cutting someone into parts and examing each part of them in depth
High-Key Lighting
A character's face is well lit, having all shadows removed; usually used in moments of happiness
Low-Key Lighting
Shadows are left on a character's face, used in moments of horror or suspense
Women's Role in the News
Contradictory, women are culturally coded as nothing but sexual bodies no matter how professional they are but they carry the important information
RSA Functions...
by violence and then by ideology
The hatred of feminine qualities in men; the fear of being gay; the fear of gay men
Slow Motion
More frames than 24 per second
Role the Church serves in reference to ISAs and RSAs
Church traught us to implement the ISA's but taught us how to function within the state
Stationary camera adjusts a lens so that it appears to be bringing us closer or further away from the action
180 Degree Rule
Keep all of the camera set ups on the same side of the two characters
Match Cut
A cut between two separate scenes that are linked by a similar motif
The nonsexual attractions held by men or women for memeber of their own sex; promotes clear distinctions between women and men through segregation
Medium Close Up
Chest Up
High Angle Shot
Camera looks down on a character
Cutting back and forth between two or more locations with action occurring at the same time
Medium Long Shot
Knees Up
Establishing Shot
Introduces the location of the next scene
Steadicam Shot
A harness that holds the camera over the shoulders of the camera operator to keep it steady
The major stars of the early 1930s belonged here
working class
Camera pivots to look from side to side
One image moves onto the screen replacing the previous image
One shot fades to black while another fades in from black
Rack Focus
Camera changes focus from the foreground to the background or vice versa
God's Eye View
Camera looks straight down on the characters
Socially Constructed
Develop out of group struggles over socially valued resources
Screen goes black except for a circle which directs the spectator's eye at what to look at
The hatred of women; the hatred of feminine qualities in women
Repressive State Apparatus
Includes government and law, there is only one: the state
In order for a comedy to achieve its goal of social cohesion, integration, and regeneration it must first unleash the ____.
Simultaneously Expressed
Connected to each other and are embedded in all social institutions
Active Viewing
To actively engage the visual and aural elements of a film instead of letting them passively float by
One must ask questions, the different people are accepted but they are not welcomed
Dolly Shot
A platform with wheels that can move in any direction it wants without being confined to a pre-set track
Match Dissolve
A dissolve between two separate scenes that are linked by a similar motif
Screen goes black
stages of diversity
Recognition, Tolerance, Celebration
Identifying a stereotype
they are usually very generic, it will form a subset, it oversimplifies the causes of the behavior
Helicopter Shot
Scene filmed from a helicopter
Young women are afraid to be labeled as feminist because...
seen as a social limitation, a threat of being labeled, old movement
POV Shot
Seeing what a character in the film sees
Rendering someone into the minority and therefore putting them on the outskirts of society
black comedy
Comedies that made fun of dark subjects
Long Shot
Entire Character
Purpose of Fragmentation
Makes it easier to objectify them
How female individuality is created out of postfeminism
creates a new identity, allows them to step out of what is expected, be different than the traditional woman
Never static and fixed, constantly undergoing change
Parallel Editing
cutting back and forth from two (or more) simultaneous events taking place in separate spaces
Acknowleding that every member of your community has something to contribute and recognizing that his or her contributions add value to your life
Children learn the characteristics of traditional masculinity from...
school, family, friends, media, society
Dolly In Shot
The camera, on a dolly, moves closer to the action
Several scenes unified by a common time, but not necessarily space.
Freeze Frame
The image freezes on the screen
ISA Functions...
by ideology first and then by repression if necessary
Extreme Close Up
One small portion of the human body
Crane Up/Crane Down
Camera is actually lifted or lowered by a crane
Screwball comedy combines high comedy, such as romantic comedy with ________.
low slapstick comedy
First motion picture camera
Thomas Edison
Medium Shot
Waist Up
Deep Focus
Both foreground and background are in focus at the same time
The invention of a nation where it does not originally exist; culture artifacts of a particular kind
A conventional, formulaic, oversimplified conveption, opinion or belief; a person, group, event, or issue considered to typify or conform to an unvarying pattern
Systems of Power Relationships
One group exerts control over another
Process Shot
Combining two different pieces of film
How does text function?
Purpose is to get the codes out; It limits what the code can do
First introduced to the study of race, class, gender, and sexuality?
Black Women's Studies, feminist black activists
Hottentot Venus
Feminism created a new code of conduct for sexuality by...
the media helps creating new codes of conduct for women, emphasizes that women can break out of what is expected of them
Six Common themes for Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality
Contextual, Socially Constructed, systems of power relations, social structure and social psychological, simultaneously expressed, interdependence of knowledge and activism
How the news is already programmed
Network corporation is looking for maximum profits so they choose stories that will catch the most attention and generate the most profit.
Rectangle of a film's image on the screen; chosen what is put in and left out
Subjectivity is created through feminism by...
calling a woman into the subject form; it identifies you as a female
Ideological State Apparatus
Many of them, Church was the original, school replaces it
Shot/Reverse Shot
Seeing a character and then seeing what the character sees.
obsessive force of the pleasure in looking; we go on looking even if there is nothing more to see
Thompson's solution to traditional masculinity
New socialization for boys
The substitution of an object for some dangerous and power but forbidden force
Close Up
Character's head fills the screen
Pull Back Shot
The camera, on a dolly, moves further away from the action
Consequences of traditional masculinity
Emotional pain, no security, nutrance is not valued, afraid of bonding or forming relationships
A way of symbolically "castrating" the black man, depriving him of his masculinity
Several shots usually united by a common time and space
News preprogrammed is seen in Network...
The newscasters pick what shows and stories they want to run
Rules that establish a pattern of meaning
Power in Representation
The power to render the "other"; have power over the minority group and take control
Voice Over
A character or narrator explains things directly to the audience
A powerful fascination or desire is both indulged and at the same time denied
Low Angle Shot
Camera looks up from below at a character
How did the news expand?
Timespan allotted and the structure
Concepts perpetuating male homosociality
Emotional detachment, competition, sexual objectification of women
A basic unit of film time-one continuous piece of filming without interruption
Two shots joined together
Camera pivots to look up and down
Tracking Shot
Camera moves atop a platform with wheels which is attached to a track
World's largest theater
Sharing of codes among individuals; it combines the two to make them one
We make contact with "it" and compare "it" to ourselves. We don't understand what it is and we are often afraid

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