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- Hume Reality
- empiricist empiricism leads to phenomenalism which leads to skepticism
- phenominalism
- we can only be aware of appearance or sense data and never of things in themselves
- empiricism
- ultimately leads to skepticism, sense perception gives us knowledge to perceive qualities of the substance directly we can only experience the qualities
- Hume Bodies
- extension of bodies endurance of bodies in time and space
- Hume Personality
- 3 dimensions of human nature: reasonable beings, social beings, and active beings human mind is the sum of total experiences
- Hume Knowledge
- 2 types of perceptions: impressions and ideas(based upon impressions) -causal connection: fool selves into understand cause/effect
- Hume Freedom
- determinalism
- Hume Morality
- virtues are virtues because they are useful and agreeable limited altruist all morality is derived from feelings
- limited altruist
- normally/naturally care about others some of the time
- Hume Society
- attacks the social contract theory as both a historian and a philosopher
- Hume Religion
- doesn\'t take miracles seriously because he believes that things religious committments should be based on more than that argument from design (world is too great of a place to be created by accident) critiques popular religion because he believes that these people are just too unwilling or incapable of thinking critically
- Kant Reality
- dualist believes in a phenomenal and metaphysical world 4 antimonies: limitation, necessity, causality, and plurality)
- Kant Bodies
- loves Newton believes that the universal laws of nature govern all phenomena essentially matter is movable in space
- Kant Personality
- unknowable moral agent 3 sources of mental experience:sense, imagination, apperception human personality exercises rational will humans all have dignity human nature has innate roots in both good and evil
- unknowable moral agent
- one of most importance, sense of right and wrong, accountable for choices, not a phenomenal object, it\'s a metaphysical reality
- Kant Knowledge
- reality is factual and informative and non empirical therefore it is universal and necessary sense and time 3 ideas of speculation: soul, cosmos and God ((ideas of pure reason))
- Kant Freedom
- as personal agents we freely determine our own wills, but as physical bodies we act according to natural laws (dualism) NOT A DETERMINALIST argues using practical reasoning instead of logic postulate of practical reasoning there is a dilemma btw freedom and necessity
- Kant Morality
- intrinsically good categorical imperitive all persons belong to a spiritual kingdom that is governed by God and has its own moral laws, in addition to a political kingdom/society
- categorical imperitive
- moral principle that applies unconditionally
- Kant Society
- never imagines state of nature in social contract theory as fact moral politics are good and necessary political moralism (ends justify the means) political justice peace is important
- political justice
- tied to freedom, requires that people should do freely what they freely choose to do as long as it hurts no one else , we have the right to exercise our freedome
- Kant Religion
- there is one true moral religion but this can have many different faiths
- Kant Immortality
- immortality is not an object of possible knowledge
- Kant Fulfillment
- happiness is not what is most important, instead moral perfection is
- James Reality
- 7 realms of reality pluralistic meliorism
- James\' 7 Realms of Reality
- 1-sense 2-science 3-relations 4-prejudices 5-heaven and hell 6-indiv. opinion 7-madness and vagary
- pluralistic meliorism
- the view that the world, however good or bad it may be, can become better if we freely act to help improve it
- James Bodies
- mind involved in experience conflict between theism and materialism to explain reality
- James Personality
- def. of psychology sensation precedes perception which precedes belief emotions follow bodily changes, not other way around 3 dimensions of self: material, social, spiritual
- James Knowledge
- 2 types of knowledge: acquaintance and knowledge about tender/tough minded philosopher TENDER=rationalism TOUGH=empiricism sentiment of rationality common sense is most basic and important approach to knowledge
- sentiment of rationality
- the feeling that things makes sense
- James Freedom
- 4 postulates of rationality freedom is first
- James Morality
- moral duty=2nd postulate of rationality easy going and strenuous approaches to life
- James Society
- against imperialism advocate of peace
- James Religion
- choice to believe or not (genuine option) God=3rd postulate of rationality no evidence for or against God\'s existence God as grand master chess champion know truth and avoid error
- James Immortality
- 4th postulate of rationality the brain dies, but does the consciousness??
- James Fulfillment
- different people need different things to be happy no natural law for happiness
- Mill Reality
- phenominalist-can only know reality as phenomena, not the object in itself nature is sum total of phenomena radical empiricist utilitarian
- Mill Bodies
- all material realities/objecst are permanent possibilities of sensation (ie. Table)
- Mill Personality
- theory of the mind inexact(psych) and exact(chem) sciences
- theory of mind
- can only experience through states of consciousness like thoughts and desires
- Mill Knowledge
- inductive logic which is based on experience causal knowledge is important inference and intuition
- Mill Freedom
- determinalist (NOT FATALIST) compatiblism
- compatiblism
- human freedom is compatible with universal determinism
- Mill Morality
- principle of utility sanctions feeling of duty is innate
- Principle of Utility
- do what will promote happiness for all people that are affected
- Mill Society
- principle of liberty freedom of expression importance of individuality equal opportunities for women representative government
- Mill Religion
- phenominalism is influential God\'s existance can\'t be proven God\'s power is limited
- Mill Immortality
- non religion v. religious reasons for believing in life after death
- Mill Fulfillment
- must develop character to fulfill human nature happiness is contextual
- Sartre Reality
- being in itself v. being for itself
- Sartre\'s being in itself
- all phenomenal appearances
- Sartre\'s being for iteself
- consciousness
- Sartre Bodies
- body is being in itself consciousness relates to the world trhough the body facticity
- facticity
- all of the things in life that you can\'t control (Ie. birth/death)
- Sartre Personality
- existentialism
- existentialism
- \"exisistence preceds essense\" we are who we are becaues of actions/decisions we maked determines by the self
- Sartre Knowledge
- consciousness in seeking knowledge tries to answer/raise questions and must encounter being to try to answer them all truths are subjective
- Sartre Freedom
- condemned to be free facticity we\'re responsible for how we use our own freedom
- Sartre Morality
- values imply sme conscious lack of being we make our own values and morals
- Sartre Society
- being for others interpersonal conflict ((btw person and person is one of conflict))
- Sartre Religion
- God doesn\'t exist
- Sartre Immortality
- Doesn\'t believe in it death is the end of consciousness and a necessary part of human facticity
- Sartre Fulfillment
- different for everyone no preestablished purpose constituting fulfillment
- Aquinas Freedom
- Human being must have free choice -if no free choice then everything is in vain -everything is not in vain --therefore, we have free choice we have free choice because morality requires it have to have free choice because if we didn\'t then we woudn\'t be accountable for our actions and heaven and hell would be pointless
- Hobbes Freedom
- no free will everything is determined (determinalism) -everything that happens is determined by causal antecedents
- Thales (miletus=640-550 B.C.)
First quarter of the sixth century B.c.
Evaporation - Anaximander (Miletus 611-547 B.C.)
A little later than Thales
The boundless
Circular motion