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Chapter 3: Analytical Psychology ~Carl Jung


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What is Constellating Power?
A complex is said to have a constellating power, which means that a complex has the ability to draw new ideas into it and interpret them according.
Complexes have important implications. What are they?
Complexes have important implications for our interpersonal relationships, specifically influencing how we react to ward others.
How did Jung define the personal unconscious?
Jung defined the personal unconscious as the place where perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and memories that have been put aside (for our consciousness can only hold a few items at a time), are stored and the place from which they may be easily retrieved
What is the difference between the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious?
Whereas the personal unconscious is unique for each individual, the collective unconscious is shared.
How did Jung refer to the collective unconscious?
Jung referred to the collective unconscious as "transpersonal"; that is to say, it extends across persons. It consists of certain potentialities that we all share because we are human (1936).
Where do archetypes reside?
Within the collective unconscious lie the archetypes or primordial images.
According to Carl Jung, what is the psyche, or the complete personality comprised of?
The primary ones are the ego; the personal unconscious with its complexes; and the collective unconscious and its archetypes. Jung also described two primary attitudes toward reality and four basic functions, which together constitute separate but related aspects of the psyche, or total personality.
What does the psyche refer to?
The psyche refers to all psychological processes: thoughts, feelings, sensations, wishes, and so forth. Jung used the terms psyche and psychic, rather than mind and mental, to avoid the implications of consciousness in the latter and to emphasize that the psyche embraces both conscious and unconscious processes.
How did Jung and Freud differ in their approaches to the unconscious?
Freud tended to view the unconscious essentially as materials that have been repressed, whereas Jung emphasized a concept of the unconscious as the source of consciousness and the matrix of new possibilities of life.
What did Jung call experiences that are grouped in the personal unconscious into clusters?
Experiences are grouped in the personal unconscious into clusters, which Jung calls complexes.
Define complex.
A complex is an organized group of thoughts, feelings, and memories about a particular concept (1934).
What are the 3 forces in conflict that Freud conceived of when describing the structure of personality?
Freud described the structure of personality in terms of three forces that are in conflict--
1) The id
2) The ego
3) The superego
How did Carl Jung conceive of the structure of personality?
Carl Jung conceived of the structure of personality as a complex network of interacting systems that strive toward eventual harmony.
Define predisposition with regards to Jung's concept of collective unconscious and its archetypes.
The word predisposition is crucial to Jung's concept of the collective unconscious and its archetypes. It emphasizes potentialities, for the archetypes represent different potential ways in which we may express our humanness.
Define Archetype.
An archetype is a universal thought form or predisposition to respond to the world in certain ways (1936).
Can the archetypes ever be fully known or described?
No. The archetypes can never be fully known or described because they never fully enter consciousness. They appear to us in personified or symbolized pictorial form and may penetrate into consciousness by means of myths, dreams, art, ritual, and symptoms.
Define Persona.
The persona refers to the social role that one assumes in society and one's understanding of it. It can be said that one's persona is the "mask" that one wears in order to adjust to the demands of society.
What happens if the development of a persona is neglected?
To neglect the development of a persona is to run the risk of becoming asocial.
What is the opposite side of the persona?
The shadow is the opposite side of the persona, in that it refers to those desires and emotions that are incompatible with our social standards and ideal personality.
What does the shadow encompass?
The shadow encompasses those unsocial thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that we potentially possess and other characteristics that we do not accept.
What are the definitions of the archetypes anima and animus?
The anima archetype is the feminine side of the male psyche and the animus archetype is the masculine side of the female psyche.
Jung believed that women's and men's consciousness differ. Explain those differences.
Jung believed that women's consciousness is characterized by the ability to enter into relationships, whereas men's consciousness is characterized by the ability to engage in rational and analytic thought.
Why did Jung believe that the persona, or "mask" differs for men and women.
The persona, or "mask" differs for men and women because of the various roles that society and culture have assigned to them. The anima and the animus function in ways that compensate for the outer personality and show the qualities that are missing in outward conscious expression.
According to Jung, what is the central archetype?
The central archetype in Jung's understanding is that of the self.

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