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L15 読む練習の単語表


undefined, object
copy deck
提言 (ていげん)
proposal, motion
取り入れる (とりいれる)
to harvest, to take in, to adopt
引き上げ (ひきあげ)
pulling up, raising
非道い (ひどい)
cruel, awful, severe, very bad, serious, terrible, heavy, violent
活力 (かつりょく)
vitality, energy
行政 (ぎょうせい)
主体 (しゅたい)
subject, main constituent
諦める (あきらめる)
to give up, to abandon
緩和 (かんわ)
relief, mitigation
酷い (ひどい)
cruel, awful, severe, very bad, serious, terrible, heavy, violent
緩和する (かんわ)
to ease, relieve
制度 (せいど)
system, institution, organization
分割 (ぶんかつ)
partition, division
移す (うつす)
to remove, to transfer, to infect
唯々諾々と (いいだくだくと)
obediently, tamely
違いない (にちがいない)
I am sure, no doubt that
苦痛 (くつう)
pain, agony
分析 (ぶんせき)
必ず (かならず)
definitely, by all means
儲 (もうけ)
profit, earnings
我慢 (がまん)
patience (vs), endurance, perseverance, tolerance, self-control, self-denial
活動 (かつどう)
action, activity
行政 (ぎょうせい)
分割 (ぶんかつ)
partition (vs), division
行う (おこなう)
do, undergo
full of ~
収入 (しゅうにゅう)
income, receipts, revenue
利益 (りえき)
profits, gains, (political, economic) interest
図る (はかる)
try to
価値判断 (かちはんだん)
value judgement
時差 (じさ)
time difference
明快 (めいかい)
clarion, clarity
当面 (とうめん)
urgent (a-no), pressing, impending
悲しい (かなしい)
sad, sorrowful
peak load pricing
実施 (じっし)
enforcement (vs), enact, put into practice, carry out
国鉄 (こくてつ)
national railway
政策手段 (せいさくしゅだん)
means for carrying out a policy
都心 (としん)
heart (of city)
都市 (とし)
town, city, municipal, urban
程度 (ていど)
degree, amount, grade, standard, on the order of (following a number)
元 (もと)
回避する (かいひ)
to avoid
時差出勤 (じさしゅっきん)
staggered working hours
払う (はらう)
to pay, to brush, to wipe
運営 (うんえい)
management, administration, operation
議論 (ぎろん)
argument (vs), discussion, dispute
雑ぜる (まぜる)
to mix
快適 (かいてき)
pleasant (an), agreeable, comfortable
通勤地獄 (つうきんじごく)
commuting hell
公共 (こうきょう)
public (a-no), community, public service, society, communal
利益 (りえき)
前夜 (ぜんや)
last night, the previous night
分散 (ぶんさん)
dispersion (vs), decentralization, variance (statistics)
増加 (ぞうか)
increase (vs), addition
改良 (かいりょう)
improvement (vs), reform
事務所 (じむしょ)
解決策 (かいけつさく)
plan for solution
歓迎する (かんげい)
welcome, accept happily
沿う (そう)
to run along, to follow
neck, bottleneck (abbr)
交通 (こうつう)
communication, transportation, traffic, intercourse
提供 (ていきょう)
offer (vs), tender, program sponsoring, furnishing
出勤 (しゅっきん)
going to work (vs), at work
止まる (とどまる)
to be limited to
実施する (じっし)
carry out
耐える (たえる)
endure, stand
留まる (とどまる)
to stay in the place
民営化 (みんえいか)
下げる (さげる)
to hang, to lower, to move back, to wear, to dismiss, to grant
peek, peak
無料 (むりょう)
free, no charge
流れ (ながれ)
stream, current
料金 (りょうきん)
fee, charge, fare
効率化 (こうりつか)
to make efficient
本格 (ほんかく)
propriety, fundamental rules
提案 (ていあん)
proposal (vs), proposition, suggestion
儲け (もうけ)
profit, earnings
企業 (きぎょう)
enterprise, undertaking
避ける (さける)
to avoid
可能 (かのう)
possible (an), practicable, feasible
居住 (きょじゅう)
知れる (しれる)
to become known, to come to light, to be discovered
ごちゃまぜにする (~を)
mix ~ at random
居間 (いま)
living room (western style)
強化 (きょうか)
strengthen (vs), intensify, reinforce
為 (ため)
good, advantage, benefit, welfare, sake, to, in order to, because of
提言 (ていげん)
suggestion, advice
まかり通る (とおる)
have its own way
嘆く (なげく)
before long, soon
負担 (ふたん)
charge, expenses
工夫 (くふう)
arrangement, plan
民営 (みんえい)
private management
費用 (ひよう)
cost, expense
裂ける (さける)
to split, to tear, to burst
思い切る (おもいきる)
to resign to fate, to despair
混ぜる (まぜる)
to mix, to stir
郊外 (こうがい)
suburb, outskirts
交ぜる (まぜる)
to be mixed (vi), to be blended with
手段 (しゅだん)
means, way, measure
混雑税 (こんざつぜい)
congestion tax
価格操作 (かかくそうさ)
controlling prices, price manipulation
整備 (せいび)
adjustment (vs), completion, consolidation
沿う (そう)
be along, follow
実行 (じっこう)
practice (vs), performance, execution (e.g. program), realization
運営主体 (うんえいしゅたい)
(transportation) management organization
伊井 (いい)
that one, Italy (suf)(pref)

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