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- noah webster
- simplified spelling of english words by writting a dictionary
- spirituals
- type of music that turned into b;ues (Uniquly american) then rocka nd roll
- wild west
- unique time in us history
- civil rights movement
- the sruggle for freedom and equal righst has influenced others to speak up for what's right.
- rugged individualism
- the willingness of an individual to stand alone and struggle to survive and prosper. relying on on his/her personal recourses and beliefs
- Puritans
- settlers of new england states. influence can still be seen. some affect the whole american culture
- common man
- america believed that they were the most improtant people other than the high class
- balkanization
- the division of a country into smaller units or groupings based on nic differences.
- high culture
- the focus on arts
- industrial revolution
- change in america. went form agricultural rual society to industrial
- puritan work ethic
- you will reap rewards for hard work