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PLS 205 Exam 3


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Reconciliation Theory
Stated that developmentalism is too optimistic, but conflict theory is too negative. Timing is very important.
United Nations Economic Council for Latin America. Social scientists from Latin America came together and said the 4 objectives could be achieved, but ties with the west needed to be severed.
Four Objectives needed by third world nations
Democracy, political stability, growth and equity.
Import Substitution Industrialization. Third world countries shouldn\'t rely on the west for imports; they should make their own products.
Vertical Integration
Deepening the industrial infrastructure. Included textiles, automobiles, and steel and chemicals. These industries were important for economic growth and progress.
Dependency Theory
Marxist theory that stated 1st 2nd and 3rd world countries are all connected.
East Asian Tigers
Mid 1970s four Asian entities began to grow and modernize. Hong Kong, South Korea, Thailand and Singapore.
Associated Dependent Theory
3rd world countries will develop with dependency on western banks. Western countries have leverage because banks can back out at any point.
Strong Authoritarianism
Exists in Asian and Middle East. Dictators have control through military and police state. These countries do not modernize.
Weak Authoritarianism
Government tries to take control with force and brutality, but isn\'t strong enough to oppress everyone. Revolutions emerge and overthrow government.
The East Asian NIC\'s
Newly Industrialized countries. They modernize because of ISI, but only have success with textiles and clothing.
ISI-Expert Led Growth
An economic shift to changing society. Promotion of vertical integration led to ELG.
The institutions of government.
The principals, ideas and methods of government
Strong State/Weak Regime Paradox
In Latin America, the government institutions have gotten strong, while the ideas and methods of government have been unstable.
Liberal Democracy
Regimes like the one in the U.S. Includes the rule of law, civil liberties, and multi-party competition.
Right-Wing Authoritarianism
Military regime is in charge. Marked by brutality, coercion and oppression by the government. Capitalism and RWA go hand in hand.
Left-Wing Authoritarianism
Emerges out of a state when a revolution has taken place. Government is oppressive, but not overly brutal. Cuba is a prime example. Castro was mean, but spent lots of money to educate citizens.
Forward Linkages
Associated with 3rd world countries in the extractive sector of the economy. Exports to other countries. Develops an income and can lead to economic growth.
Backward Linkages
Associated with Multi-national corporations. Establish relationships with MNC and host country. Jobs are created and export fees collected.
Liberation Theology
Phenomenon in which Catholic Priests in South America promote violent, peasant overthrow of unresponsive right-wing regimes.
Bureaucratic Authoritarian Regimes are unique right-wing forms of government. Emerged in Brazil, Uruguay, Chile and Argentina. Called the gang of 4.
Belief that all heterogeneous societies can have just as much stability as homogeneous ones.
Technology Transfers
3rd world countries need machines and technology. 1st world countries don\'t want to give it, so Multi-national Corporations need to be set up.

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