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- According to the ABC's of deviance
- Both behavior and physical traits can be the basis for judgements of deviance.
- Is achieved and ascribed statuses a basis for judgements of deviance
- Yes
- Cognitive Deviance Includes
- holding unpopular, unconventional, unorthodox or despised religious beliefs.
- Deviance takes place or exists
- everywhere and anywhere people engage in behavior, hold and express beliefs and possess traits that others regard as unacceptable.
- Name the necessary ingredients that defines deviant
a rule or norm
someone who violates that norm.
an audience. - Contructionist
- What is the background for the behavior
- Which approach of deviance emphasizes subjective meaning?
- Social Contructionism
- Positivism is concerned with
- Cause and effect explanations.
- Control Theory
- Asks why don't they
- Social Disorganization Theory
- locate the influence that causes deviance.
- Differential association theory
- That criminals behavior is learned.
- Anomie or Strain
- A certain kind of strain causes deviance.
- What theories are positivisim
Social disorganization
differential association
anomie or strain - In the social sciences, positivism is the
- application of natural science method
- Name a typical characteristic positivistic question
- Why do they do it. Why do specific people or categories of people deviate.