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Intro TO Physical Education

for chp 8,9,10. Dr. W. Conner


undefined, object
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A method of sending and receiving messages via a computer...
hypokinetic disease
The lack of or little physical activity is a condition known as...
love children
Physical educators enter the teaching profession because they...
The process in wich teachers from various disciplines meet to discuss student progress and impediments is known as...
The professional organization that represents the physical education profession on the national level is...
interactive behavior
The curriculum goal that refers to safe practices, adherence to rules and procedures, etiquette, cooperation, teamwork, ethical behavior insports, and positive social interaction when participating in physical activity is...
50 percent
The percentage of American youth who do not participate in vigorous physical activity on a regular basis is nearly...
adventure education
Outdoor educational experiences combined with some risk-taking activities on ropes and climbing apparatus is known as...
Individual Education Program
IEP is an abbreviation for...
block scheduling
One of the most recent creative scheduling innovations is
virtual reality
Using the computer and sensory mechanisms to create simulated, interactive three demensional environments...
changed little over the past several years
which one of the following is not true about the roles and responsibilities of physical education teachers...
apathy of students
one of the greatest challenges facing physical education teachers today is...
stay current with latest development
The purpose of a "faculty development plan" is to help physical education teachers...
interdisciplinary learning
Combining learning experiances from two or more subject areas simultaneously is known as...
distance learning
education delivered to students who are in a different location from the instructor is known as...
The organization that has developed national standards for beginning physical education teachers, wich numerous states have adopted is
least restrictive environment
IDEA (PL 101-476) entitles all students to an education in the...
61 percent
In 2001 the Surgeon General revealed that the percentage of overweight and obese adults in the United States has risen to...
ITV classroom
Two or more classes at different sites can be taught simultaneously with two-way technology known as...
The sum total of ways of living that have evolved for a group of human beings and have been transmitted from one group to another refers to...
electronical mailing lists
privat discussion online
what is the key to promoting, understanding, and accepting diversity...
health-enhancing physical activity
The curriculum goal that refers to regular physical activity that results in substantial improvements in health and well-being is known as...
motor skill development
The curriculum goal that refers to the basic fundamental movement patterns that are necessary to perform a variety of physical activities. consists of locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipuative skills.
Title IX
The law requriers equal education opporitunities for females and males, including coeducational physical education classes is...
interest and goals, academic preperation, character and personal strangths, experiences
Choice of career is generally influenced by...
social skills
Physical education theachers observe students interacting with one another through physical activity, which provides the educational community with another dimension for assessing the students...
unlimitede budget
Expectations for the future of physical education does not include...
Public discussion forums on specific topics; all messages and replies are available to anyone with internet access.

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