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Chapters 15 & 16


undefined, object
copy deck
empathy (noun)
a sympathetic understanding
consensus (noun)
an opinion held by everyone( or almost everyone) involved
commemorate (verb)
to honor the memory of someone or something; celebrate
diligent (adjective)
hard-working; steady
fiscal (adjective)
transcend (verb)
to rise above or go beyond the limits of; exceed
precedent (noun)
anything that may serve as an example
punitive (adjective)
deplete (verb)
to use up
complacent (adjective)
self-satisfied; too much at ease
furtive (adjective)
secret; sneaky
menial (adjective)
not requiring special skills; unskilled
pathetic (adjective)
miserable; pitifully inadequate or unsuccessful
waive (verb)
to give up willingly; to do without
gape (verb)
to stare in wonder or amazement,often with one's mouth wide open
feign (verb)
to pretend; give a false show of
condone (verb)
to excuse; to forgive or overlook
niche (noun)
a suitable place; an activity or situation especially suited to a person
feasible (adjective)
possible; able to be done
contemplate (verb)
to consider; to think about seriously

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