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test two ch.1


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study of tissue is called
what are the three primary germ layers
gives rise to the epidermis and the nervous system
gives rise to digestive tract nad respitory tract
gives rise to muscle,bone,blood
what are the 4 classes of tissue
muscle tissue, nervous tissue, connective tissue, and epithelial tissue
composed of cells specialized for contraction
muscular tissue
skeletal tissue
\cells are strited(banded) and multinucleated,
cyndrical, and lie in parallel,
usually attached to bones,
shortr thin branching cells
only found in heart
produces heartbeat
cells are called mytocytes
smooth tissue
non straighted one nucleus per cell
are spindel shaped and short
consists of two types of cells
nervous tissue
functional unit of of the nervous system
composed of soma(cell body), dentrites(fibers that recieve message) and one axon(nerve fiber that conveys message away from soma
protect and support the neurons(often called helper cells)
most abundant, variable, and widely distributed tissue in the body
connective tissue
most common cells; produce fibers and ground substance
are macrophages
provide immune defense
produce antibodies
plasma cells
produces heparin and histamine
mast cells
fat cells
are made of protiens
tough flexibleand resist streching "white fibers"
collagenous fibers
thin collagen in reticular conn
reticular fibers
composed of protein and elastin "yellow fiberss"
elastic fibers
types of fibers
collagenous fibers
reticular fibers
elastic fibers
loose connective tissue
types of dense connective tissue
dense regualr
dense irregular
loosely organized fibers and all 6 cell types
areolar tissue
ais areolar tissue with adipocytes(fat cells)
adipose tissue
reticular tissue
composed of of reticualr fibers
dense regular
all fibers run in parallel;tissue of tendons and ligaments
dense irregular run in random direction
dense irregular tissue
composed of cells called chrondroblast
smooth glassy, found at the ends of bones and movable joints
hyaline cartilage
is yellow has ellastic fibers found in outer ear
ellastic cartilage
fibro cartilage
parallel fibers forms in vertible disc and pubis symphasis
fills heads of shafts of long bone
spongy bone
compact bone
forms exterior of all bones
teeth are composed of of dentine and cementum
dental tissue
consist of ground subsatance(plasma) and formed elements, the formed elements are red blood cells(erythrocytes), white blood cells
(leukocytes), and platelets
is the fluid that flow through lymphatic vessels
covers body surface, lines cavaties, and covers many organs
epithelial tissue
simple epithelia types
simple squamous epithelium
simple cubodial epithelium
simple columnar epithelium
pseudostrfied epithelium
well adapted for transporting substances across; lines alveoli
simple squamous epithelium
common in glands;lines kidney tubules
simple cubodial epithelium
has secretory function; absorbs nutrients in small intestine
simple columnar epithelium
found in respitory tract
pseudostratified epithelium
types of stratified epithelia
stratified squamos epithelium
stratified cubodial epithelium
stratified columnar epithelium
tansitional epithelium
tissue of epidermis of skin
srtatified squamos epithelium
lines follicles of ovary and seminiferous tubules in testes
stratifiea cubodial epithelium
type of tissue found in anal canal and pharynx
stratified columnar epithelium
type of tissue found in urinary system
transitional epithelium
occur between adjacent cells
intercelular junction
formed by zipper like fusion of membrane proteins
tight junction
"spot weld" holds cells together resist mechanical stress
formed by ring like structure made up of membrane protiens;allow chemicals and nutrients to pass from cell to cell
gap junctions
made up of individual cell organs that produce substance and secret it elsewhere
types of glands
endocrine glands
exocrine glands
ductless glands;secret harmones into bloodstream
endocrine glands
have ducts;secret their products (not harmones) into ducts
exocrine glands

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